jmsgrogan / MicrovesselChaste

Add-on project for Chaste for modelling microvessels.
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Forking network generator is incorrect #4

Open jmpf opened 3 months ago

jmpf commented 3 months ago

The forking network generator is incorrect. See for the erroneous line.


This relates to Bernabeu et al. 2020. As described on page 3 of the supplementary information Murray's law says that the vessel diameters scale with cube root. With fixed lambda (length/diameter) this means that the lengths also scale with cube root. In the cube the y-height of each bifurcation is taken to scale by 1/2 and the horizontal position is calculated from knowing the vessel length and vessel height. It's this horizontal position which is wrong. The actual vessel length in our forking networks does not match the description in the SI of the paper.


jmpf commented 3 months ago

This what our current code produces for Figure 4b (before clipping and colour adjustments) Figure4b

jmpf commented 3 months ago

See commit f74f08c This Figure 4b with the same geometry but with the haematocrit solver using the actual vessel lengths (before clipping and colour adjustments) Figure4b-dynamic-length

There is a visible difference. In the original figure the oxygen concentration differences in the central region are more exaggerated. Perhaps this is because the expected vessel lengths are shorter than the actual length (meaning that the CFL recovers more in the new calculation).

jmpf commented 2 weeks ago

7135cec changes the default behaviour. The haematocrit converges to a slightly different place but, as can be seen here temp and in ffea809, it's a negligible change to the original plot.