jmshrv / finamp

A Jellyfin music client for mobile
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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Add flatpak files #757

Closed baarkerlounger closed 4 weeks ago

baarkerlounger commented 1 month ago

Add flatpak files upstream

Chaphasilor commented 4 weeks ago

So is this ready to merge? :)

baarkerlounger commented 4 weeks ago

Yes please

Chaphasilor commented 4 weeks ago

The desktop screenshot is still pointing to your repo. I'm guessing this isn't ideal?

baarkerlounger commented 4 weeks ago

No I suppose here would be better. Any preference as to where to put it? assets folder? New screenshots folder?

Chaphasilor commented 4 weeks ago

Put it in images/screenshots/desktop please. I'll re-arrange the other images afterwards :)

Chaphasilor commented 4 weeks ago

Thanks. I would've preferred a separate desktop directory, but this is also fine :)

Are the screenshots fetched by the Flathub client directly? If so it might make sense to point to the redesign branch instead of the latest commit, so that it's mostly set and forget.

I assume we need to add new entries to the <releases> section for every update for Flathub to pick it up properly?
And in general, what do we need to do when releasing a new version?

baarkerlounger commented 4 weeks ago

My thinking is once aarch64 is supported (assuming it will be) there's no reason this shouldn't work on Linux mobile so it's not really desktop specific.

Yes Flathub (and Gnome Software etc) will fetch the screenshot from the link. I was assuming the redesign branch would eventually be merged into main and disappear whereas the commit is permanent?

Yes exactly (if you want release notes listed on flathub). Assuming the flathub build is from a pre-built zip/tar as currently then the section would need updating and I'd need to add a PR to the flathub repo (which will exist once that PR is merged) to update the zip/tar it's pointing at - I'll be able to merge that without review whenever an update is needed. If flathub can build from source that might not be needed but I'll have to look into that further.

Chaphasilor commented 4 weeks ago

Ah okay. On a phone the app still looks different, so we'll use a separate screenshot there. The destiction between desktop layout and mobile layout is the important part here imo.
But I'll probably update the screenshot anyway, since it doesn't show the player and also showcases music we don't have permission to use, which isn't something we want to upload to a store.
I was on mobile earlier, that's why I didn't see the actual image.

The redesign branch will disappear at some point, but that's still a while off and before deleting it we will make sure to update all links anyway.

Okay, thanks for the info. Is there a way to provide a changelog for the releases?

baarkerlounger commented 4 weeks ago

Flathub doesn't as yet provide any way to differentiate between mobile and desktop listings/screenshots so that distinction isn't really possible at the moment. We'd just have to put both screenshots there I think. I guess not super important until it builds on aarch64 anyway. Good point about the permissions, hadn't considered that. I can use the demo server for a screenshot if you want?

Yes - the <releases> tag can have an inner <description> tag which can have html changelog that will be displayed in flathub.

Chaphasilor commented 4 weeks ago

Would the attached screenshots work? I have a few more tracks in my demo library, makes it seems not so empty. Screenshots is from Windows, Finamp 0.9.7.

Screenshot 2024-05-30 163339 Screenshot 2024-05-30 163115 Screenshot 2024-05-30 163026 Screenshot 2024-05-30 163344

Regarding the distinction, I wasn't thinking of Flathub at all, just internal organization of the repo :P
I don't want to figure out which screenshot to replace with what every time...

For the release notes, you can attach this, just to see if it works:


New Features:

  <li>Favorite button now opens a menu that allows adding a track to playlists. Long press to like.</li>
  <li>Faster image loading and caching options for your music library</li>
  <li>Favorites-only filter in offline mode</li>
  <li>Lyrics indicator in track lists</li>
  <li>"Song" renamed to "Track" throughout the app</li>
  <li>Download a library now includes tracks that don't belong to any album</li>


Full release notes on GitHub: <a href=""></a>

<i>Thank you for using Finamp!</i>
baarkerlounger commented 4 weeks ago

Added the release changelog. For the screenshots, we could use them but they don't look platform native which will be a bit odd I think.

Chaphasilor commented 4 weeks ago

Not native because they're missing the title bar? Or is there another difference I'm missing?

baarkerlounger commented 4 weeks ago

Yep, I don't think it would meet the quality requirements for Flathub (which just means they wouldn't include the app in their promoted sections).

Which reminds me we should also add brand colours for display any preference?

Chaphasilor commented 4 weeks ago

I see. In that case, feel free to use the official demo server for the screenshot for now :)

As for the colors, please use these: Light: #ccf2ff Dark: #00394d



I hope they don't actually crop the screenshot like that 🙃

baarkerlounger commented 4 weeks ago

@Chaphasilor done

Chaphasilor commented 4 weeks ago

Okay, so we're sticking with the pinned commit for the screenshots?
Also, seems like the accent color extraction also isn't working in the flatpak. That sucks, but hopefully that problem will resolve itself at some point...

I'll merge once the checks have finished :)

baarkerlounger commented 4 weeks ago

Yep, commit or tag is the recommendation here.

Not sure what you mean about accent colour extraction?

Chaphasilor commented 4 weeks ago

Finamp usually extracts an accent color from the album cover of the currently playing track. In the Windows screenshots above, it's the red and green that is shown on some of the controls and progress bars. On some Linux distros this seems to be broken at the moment, and the default Finamp blue is used instead.

Chaphasilor commented 4 weeks ago

Wonderful, many thanks for the help with this! Since the domain is also validated, I guess we can get this finished up now over in the other PR?

baarkerlounger commented 4 weeks ago

Hopefully yes. Would just need you to update the release assets here or cut a new minor release first to have the new assets included in the bundle.

Chaphasilor commented 4 weeks ago

Sure, I can move the assets from the last CI run to the release assets. Give me a minute.
Meanwhile, there were one or two unresolved threads in the other PR, i.e. something about the mpris ID...

Chaphasilor commented 4 weeks ago

Assets are updated :)