jmshrv / finamp

A Jellyfin music client for mobile
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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Support word-by-word time synced lyrics #780

Open Maxr1998 opened 1 week ago

Maxr1998 commented 1 week ago

There LRC format has an extension that supports syncing lyrics word-by-word. Jellyfin doesn't explicitly support this, but instead simply forwards these timing tags as a part of the lyrics line and expects the client to handle them (see here).

Currently, Finamp simply displays these word time tags: Screenshot_20240615_022625.png

Ideally, it should fully support them, but at first simply hiding them would be a good start.

Chaphasilor commented 1 week ago

The issue you linked is a bit outdated. The most up-to-date discussion I'm aware of is
So I consider word-by-word lyrics to be unsupported by Jellyfin at the moment, and would like to avoid adding client-side parsing for this.
Maybe back up your current lyrics (e.g. by renaming to .lrc.bak) and then use a script to strip out the timestamps in the actual lyrics file?

Maxr1998 commented 1 week ago

So I consider word-by-word lyrics to be unsupported by Jellyfin at the moment, and would like to avoid adding client-side parsing for this.

I see, so we're basically waiting for the library to be fixed and then Jellyfin to offer an additional API with word-by-word support?

Maybe back up your current lyrics (e.g. by renaming to .lrc.bak) and then use a script to strip out the timestamps in the actual lyrics file?

Currently it's only a single file so not a real issue, I'd just love to have it supported so that I can grab more of these types of lyrics. But for now I'll wait.