I am trying to calculate KDE, AKDE and other estimates using the approach presented in Signer and Fieberg pre-print (home range in a tidy world). It is a very nice approach, thanks for that!
However, I am having some trouble when running hr_kde or hr_akde. I get the following error for both:
I don't know exactly how to make a reprex out of it, but I can send a piece of code and data to you guys, if it is the best way. Here a sample of my code:
# Load data
movement_data <- read_rds("data/movement_data.rda")
# crs to use
crs.use <- sp::CRS("+proj=aea +lat_1=-5 +lat_2=-42 +lat_0=-32 +lon_0=-60 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=aust_SA +units=m")
# transform data into track object
mov.track <- movement_data %>%
amt::make_track(X, Y, timestamp, ID, name, sex, weight.kg, estimated.age.months,
phase, crs = sp::CRS("+init=epsg:4326")) %>%
amt::transform_coords(crs_to = crs.use)
# select 1 individual
mov.track.1 <- mov.track %>%
dplyr::filter(name == "Jussara")
# calculate MCP and KDE
mcp1 <- hr_mcp(mov.track.1, levels = c(0.5, 0.95))
kde1 <- hr_kde(mov.track.1, levels = c(0.5, 0.95))
I am trying to calculate KDE, AKDE and other estimates using the approach presented in Signer and Fieberg pre-print (home range in a tidy world). It is a very nice approach, thanks for that!
However, I am having some trouble when running hr_kde or hr_akde. I get the following error for both:
May it be because of the CRS I am using?
I don't know exactly how to make a reprex out of it, but I can send a piece of code and data to you guys, if it is the best way. Here a sample of my code:
Any hints on why this may happen? Thanks!
PS: below my session Info