Your repository name should ideally use the standard frankenstyle Moodle naming convention which makes it easy for moodle admins to identify your plugin.
the correct format to use is moodle-{frankenstylepluginname}
eg if your plugin was "tiny_codepro" the correct name to use would be: "moodle-tiny_codepro"
Github maintains redirects from your old name to the new one which makes this very easy - just hit the "settings" tab on your github repository and the rename repository option should appear near the top.
Not a blocker for plugins db approval, just a nice convention to follow if possible.
Your repository name should ideally use the standard frankenstyle Moodle naming convention which makes it easy for moodle admins to identify your plugin.
the correct format to use is moodle-{frankenstylepluginname} eg if your plugin was "tiny_codepro" the correct name to use would be: "moodle-tiny_codepro"
Github maintains redirects from your old name to the new one which makes this very easy - just hit the "settings" tab on your github repository and the rename repository option should appear near the top.
Not a blocker for plugins db approval, just a nice convention to follow if possible.