Closed ibassets closed 1 year ago
I also have this issue. Please advise on how to proceed? I'm unable to run gruffi because of this error
Hi, thanks for the issue and the details on the error message.
The error was likely caused by a change in the Seurat::Idents()
function and is now fixed in the latest gruffi update. Please reinstall gruffi and let me know if the updated version works for you:
devtools::install_github(repo = "jn-goe/gruffi", force = TRUE)
Best, Julia
Thank you Julia, the issue has been fixed!
Hi, I would please appreciate help installing Gruffi. I get an error message during the installation that I try to describe below. (note: I have limited R knowledge). After all packages have been installed and loaded, including also the Seurat object, I run the following code extracted from GitHub edited to include the the name of my Seurat object ('all samples.combined')
combined.obj <- Seurat.utils::SetupReductionsNtoKdimensions(obj = allsamples.combined, nPCs = 30, dimensions=1:20, reduction="umap") ensembl <- biomaRt::useEnsembl("ensembl", dataset = "hsapiens_gene_ensembl") go1 <- "GO:0006096" # Glycolysis go2 <- "GO:0034976" # ER-stress go3 <- "GO:0042063" # Gliogenesis, negative filtering combined.obj <- aut.res.clustering(obj = combined.obj) granule.res.4.gruffi <- combined.obj@misc$gruffi$'optimal.granule.res' combined.obj <- reassign.small.clusters(combined.obj, ident = granule.res.4.gruffi) granule.res.4.gruffi <- paste0(granule.res.4.gruffi, '.reassigned') combined.obj <- GO_score_evaluation(obj = combined.obj, GO_term = go1, save.UMAP = TRUE, new_GO_term_computation = T, clustering = granule.res.4.gruffi, plot.each.gene = F)
At this point, I get an error message: Error in
: ! 'value' must be a factor or vector Runrlang::last_trace()
to see where the error occurred.As suggested, I run the code to see the error:
As suggested, I run the code to see the error:
I do not know how to fix the issue. Thank you in advance. Ivan
Additional information: The following are the open packages and I am using a saved session in which I created the Seurat object library(pdist) library(raster) library(DOSE) library( library(sparseMatrixStats) library(biomaRt) library(Stringendo) library(CodeAndRoll2) library(ReadWriter) library(MarkdownHelpers) library(MarkdownReports) library(ggExpress) library(Seurat.utils) library(gruffi)