jnbarlow / monero-nodeboard

A docker project that combines a monero-node and the monero-dashboard project.
MIT License
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Closed AgentHarm closed 9 months ago

AgentHarm commented 9 months ago

Just looking at your other project monero-dashboard, it has an xmr ticker in this image

Is it possible to get that on the monero-nodeboard? Nodeboard Screenshot from your page

jnbarlow commented 9 months ago

Ope ... I didn't expose that as a configurable point did I? :) Great catch. Yeah, I'll see about getting that done for you :)

jnbarlow commented 9 months ago

@AgentHarm If you're using the container directly, you just need to set up an ENV var of TICKER set to true to show it. I've updated the unraid template and am pushing a new build now... I'm just not sure if the template auto-updates or if I need to ask the maintainers of the Community Applications to re-import it.

jnbarlow commented 9 months ago

@AgentHarm in the meantime, you can do this in your docker config on unraid to make it show up: image

AgentHarm commented 9 months ago

tried forcing the container to update, didn't appear, but adding that manually worked, thanks!