jncc / jncc-website

The JNCC website. Redesigned in 2018 by Carbon Six Digital.
MIT License
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End-to-end deployment #11

Open completer opened 6 years ago

completer commented 6 years ago

Example microsite (MHC)

Currently the feature/nuget_package branch of the MHC can be built as a Nuget package and pushed to Nuget.org (see the README.md in that branch). However I'm struggling to work out the best thing to do wrt automation.

How to push a new version to Nuget.org from Jenkins? Should we even bother with doing this? Issues / todos are:

Main website

The jncc-website feature/mhc-integration branch needs to be updated. It currently has a dependency on MarineHabitatClassification.1.0.0 but it needs to be updated so that it uses the package on Nuget.org now called Jncc.MhcMicrosite.Plugin.0.0.1.

Then it needs a straightforward automatic deployment set up so that a push to master automatically publishes via Jenkins and Octopus to the jncc-website.latest website on the jncc-dev machine. A push to release should do the same but publish to jncc live umbraco