jneilliii / OctoPrint-RTMPStreamer

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Starting stream gives an error but not enough info about what the problem actually is #23

Closed azzuron closed 4 years ago

azzuron commented 4 years ago

('Connection aborted.', error(2, 'No such file or directory'))

every time i start a print or start a stream i get this. I dont know if its an issue getting the cam feed or sending to twitch? I think all my settings are good for the sending side, and the camera works on the control tab. I also use octolapse...which works ok. I do use the http://:PORT/webcam path in my camera config for stream. Thanks!

Edit: i just realized that it looks like you require a docker to stream out? My octoprint is running in a docker already and putting docker into the docker manually i dont know if it would work and even if so, it would get blown away next time my octoprint docker updates. My docker for octoprint already has ffmpeg in it. can we just use that?

jneilliii commented 4 years ago

That error typically means you didn't install the docker parts?

azzuron commented 4 years ago

yes i did realize that, but ... My octoprint is running in a docker already and putting docker into the docker manually i dont know if it would work and even if so, it would get blown away next time my octoprint docker updates. My docker for octoprint already has ffmpeg in it. can we just use that?

jneilliii commented 4 years ago

Interesting set-up. Not with the plugin, but you could in theory use the same ffmpeg command the plugin is using in its docker to do the same thing, you would just attach that command to an event, ie PrintStarted and then stop it with PrintDone.

jneilliii commented 4 years ago

The command specifically is below that I'm using.

ffmpeg -re -f mjpeg -framerate $3 -i $1 -ar 44100 -ac 2 -acodec pcm_s16le -f s16le -ac 2 -i /dev/zero -acodec aac -ab 128k -strict experimental -s $2 -vcodec h264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -g 10 -vb 700k -framerate $3 -f flv -filter:v $5 $4

$1 = OctoPrint Webcam Stream from settings $2 = Stream Resolution $3 = Framerate $4 = Stream URL posting to, ie twitch live stream URL $5 = Rotation config to match webcam stream settings in OctoPrint

azzuron commented 4 years ago

Hmm ok, i will have to look into that then! :) Thanks much. I didnt even know you could trigger commandline jobs from events like that. Can probably do some fun stuff with that.

jneilliii commented 4 years ago

Yeah, there's lots of little tricks that you can do in OctoPrint just from changes to config.yaml. Event triggering, System commands (show up in the system menu), and Custom Controls, are the big areas where you can do this kind of stuff. There are plugins to be able to edit those last two from within the web interface, https://plugins.octoprint.org/plugins/customControl/ and https://plugins.octoprint.org/plugins/systemcommandeditor/. You could also use https://plugins.octoprint.org/plugins/gcodesystemcommands/ to create custom commands to be triggered by gcode commands, so for example you can have OCTO1 start the stream and put it into your start gcode and then OCTO2 stop the stream.

azzuron commented 4 years ago

Cool, thank you. I checked them out but documentation on them is not detailed enough and i wasnt sure what i was doing...anyway the events in the config file are working. I ended up needing a different ffmpeg command to get it streaming smooth and clean. i removed the -re flag as based on my reading when streaming for a direct device like I am, it would cause issues and it was causing about every 2 seconds a skip in the stream. Thanks for all your help!