jneilliii / OctoPrint-WindowsInstaller

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cant save settings, M112 Halt while idle #28

Closed Suchtzocker closed 2 months ago

Suchtzocker commented 2 months ago

Running Octoprint on Windows11 using the installer. Im a github noob, dont bash me please if i forgot anything. Everything seems to work including plugins, printing, connecting to the printer and controlling it ect. also uploading Gcode

-1. What im trying to save is the start and end Gcode but its not only the Gcode section i cant change timeouts ect. Using windows i fear it has some rights problems ? Maybe ? Dont know, im a half decent PC user i would be better off using Linux but its just more convenient using Octoprint on Windows since its in reach and i dont have a spare RBpi

-2. I get consistent M112 Printer halt Messages on the printer when its idling for a minute or so no matter if i already printed, trying to safe settings ect. The Terminal spits out this:

Trying port COM11, baudrate 115200 Connecting to port COM11, baudrate 115200 Handshake attempt #1 with timeout 2.0s Connected to: Serial(port='COM11', baudrate=115200, bytesize=8, parity='N', stopbits=1, timeout=2.0, xonxoff=False, rtscts=False, dsrdtr=False), starting monitor Send: N0 M110 N0125 Recv: ok Changing monitoring state from "Detecting serial connection" to "Operational" Send: N0 M110 N0125 Recv: ok Send: N1 M11539 Recv: FIRMWARE_NAME:Marlin (GitHub) SOURCE_CODE_URL:https://github.com/MarlinFirmware/Marlin PROTOCOL_VERSION:1.0 MACHINE_TYPE:Ender-3 EXTRUDER_COUNT:1 UUID:cede2a2f-41a2-4748-9b12-c55c62f367ff Recv: Cap:SERIAL_XON_XOFF:0 Recv: Cap:BINARY_FILE_TRANSFER:0 Recv: Cap:EEPROM:1 Recv: Cap:VOLUMETRIC:1 Recv: Cap:AUTOREPORT_TEMP:1 Recv: Cap:PROGRESS:0 Recv: Cap:PRINT_JOB:1 Recv: Cap:AUTOLEVEL:1 Recv: Cap:Z_PROBE:1 Recv: Cap:LEVELING_DATA:1 Recv: Cap:BUILD_PERCENT:1 Recv: Cap:SOFTWARE_POWER:0 Recv: Cap:TOGGLE_LIGHTS:0 Recv: Cap:CASE_LIGHT_BRIGHTNESS:0 Recv: Cap:EMERGENCY_PARSER:0 Recv: Cap:PROMPT_SUPPORT:0 Recv: Cap:AUTOREPORT_SD_STATUS:0 Recv: Cap:THERMAL_PROTECTION:1 Recv: Cap:MOTION_MODES:0 Recv: Cap:CHAMBER_TEMPERATURE:0 Recv: ok Send: M21 Recv: echo:SD init fail Recv: ok Send: M155 S2 Recv: ok Send: M20 Recv: Begin file list Recv: End file list Recv: ok Recv: T:56.88 /0.00 B:46.05 /0.00 @:0 B@:0 Recv: T:56.88 /0.00 B:46.04 /0.00 @:0 B@:0 Recv: T:56.88 /0.00 B:45.66 /0.00 @:0 B@:0 Recv: T:55.96 /0.00 B:45.53 /0.00 @:0 B@:0 Recv: T:55.21 /0.00 B:45.53 /0.00 @:0 B@:0 Recv: T:55.21 /0.00 B:45.53 /0.00 @:0 B@:0 Recv: T:55.16 /0.00 B:45.53 /0.00 @:0 B@:0 Recv: T:54.47 /0.00 B:45.53 /0.00 @:0 B@:0 Recv: T:53.52 /0.00 B:45.53 /0.00 @:0 B@:0 Recv: T:53.41 /0.00 B:45.53 /0.00 @:0 B@:0 Recv: T:53.41 /0.00 B:45.53 /0.00 @:0 B@:0 Recv: T:53.39 /0.00 B:45.53 /0.00 @:0 B@:0 Recv: T:52.90 /0.00 B:45.53 /0.00 @:0 B@:0 Recv: T:52.50 /0.00 B:45.53 /0.00 @:0 B@:0 Recv: T:52.47 /0.00 B:45.53 /0.00 @:0 B@:0 Send: M112 Send: N2 M11235 Send: N3 M104 T0 S034 Send: N4 M140 S097 Closing serial port due to emergency stop M112. Connection closed, closing down monitor Changing monitoring state from "Operational" to "Offline after error"

From connecting to the "Idle Timeout Halt Error" I cant really see whe the M112 is send.

All settings are default because of -1. at the start of issue


Suchtzocker commented 2 months ago

Safe mode seems to solve the saving problem, ive set all 3 max timeout settings at the botton to 0 (ignore) and edited my gcode testing now after restart every setting made was saved

Suchtzocker commented 2 months ago

Thermal Runaway plugin was set to 0.0 and shut down the printer while idle with no temperature set.

2024-04-28 20:51:06,852 - octoprint.plugins.ThermalRunaway - WARNING - B temperature has been too high for 20.00043535232544 seconds, (high=51.82, current=51.82, set=0.0) 2024-04-28 20:51:06,852 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Force-sending M112 to the printer 2024-04-28 20:51:06,854 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Operational" to "Offline after error" 2024-04-28 20:51:06,855 - octoprint.plugins.ThermalRunaway - CRITICAL - Thermal Runaway (over temp) caught on heater B. Reported temp is 51.82, set temp is 0.0 ``

Resolved lol ...