jnsh / arc-theme

A flat theme with transparent elements (actively maintained fork)
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[WISHLIST] maximized-toggled with inverted arrows #186

Open Jeffry84 opened 2 years ago

Jeffry84 commented 2 years ago

I don't know if this has been implemented yet, but I created for personal use the "maximized-toggled" buttons with arrows facing inwards instead of outwards for the light variant of the xfwm4 window theme. I feel this way it makes it clearer what the button does to a maximised window. I'm not very good with graphics, so it's likely that they could be improved, but here's what I did. Hopefully it could be implemented in all the theme's variants, if you think it's a good idea. Cheers

maximize-toggled-active maximize-toggled-inactive maximize-toggled-prelight maximize-toggled-pressed

jnsh commented 2 years ago

I can see how this could be an improvement, although I don't really see the current situation as a problem either.

However, if I were to add an "unmaximize" icons, I'd like to be 100% confident that they match the design, and don't look odd in any way. Simply rotating the arrows to point inwards doesn't achieve that IMHO.

If you look the maximize icon closely, the "arrow heads" are rounded from the outer edge (not sure why but certainly there was some reason for this). Rotating the arrows turns the rounded corner inwards, which simply doesn't seem correct. image

Also I think there should be some noticeable spacing between the arrowheads so it doesn't look like a tilted hourglass, and for consistency with the maximize button that has clear separation with the two arrows. At the same time there should be enough padding around the arrows and the button edge, for consistency with the rest of the buttons. This is not easy to achieve with the inward pointing arrows.

Again, I'm not against this, but I really don't see a clear or easy solution that would certainly look "right". I'm open for any suggestions, but probably will not spend much time at this myself, unless some perfect idea happens to pop up to my head.