jnthn / grammar-debugger

Grammar::Debugger and Grammer::Tracer Perl 6 modules
36 stars 19 forks source link

working again, at least partially. ignores NQPRoutine $meth now #18

Closed tony-o closed 9 years ago

tony-o commented 9 years ago

i think this is a hack (or maybe it isn't?) but it makes both the tracer and debugger useable for the most part

meisl commented 9 years ago

hi @tony-o, have you found out which could go in there that are not ~~ Regex but are NQPRoutines? It's a "hacky" fix for #17, right? (which I don't fully understand)

tony-o commented 9 years ago

@meisl I haven't looked at it anymore beyond making the module usable again