jnthn / p6-io-socket-async-ssl

Asynchronous TLS sockets in Raku
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Test fails in a Docker build of a Cro service #74

Open greenfork opened 5 months ago

greenfork commented 5 months ago

I have a Cro service and a docker file. For some reason tests for this library fail. I also don't seem to understand which test exactly fails. below are files and docker output. Anything I can try to debug the issue?


  1. Create a file service.raku with the content below.
  2. Create a file Dockerfile with the content below.
  3. Run docker build -t cro .
# service.raku
use Cro::HTTP::Log::File;
use Cro::HTTP::Server;
use Cro::HTTP::Router;

sub routes() is export {
    route {
        get -> {
            content 'text/html', '';
        get 'user', -> $id {
            contents 'text/html', $id;
        post 'user', -> {
            content 'text/html', '';

my Cro::Service $http = Cro::HTTP::Server.new(
    application => routes(),
    after => [
        Cro::HTTP::Log::File.new(logs => $*OUT, errors => $*ERR)


say 'Listening at http://localhost:3000';

react {
    whenever signal(SIGINT) {
        say 'Shutting down...';


FROM rakudo-star:2024.02
RUN apt-get update -qq
RUN apt-get -qy install --no-install-recommends build-essential libssl-dev openssl
RUN mkdir /app
COPY . /app
RUN zef install --deps-only --debug .
RUN raku -c service.raku
CMD raku service.raku

Fails with:

===> Testing: IO::Socket::Async::SSL:ver<0.7.14>:auth<zef:jnthn>
[IO::Socket::Async::SSL] Testing with plugin: Zef::Service::TAP
[IO::Socket::Async::SSL] ok 1 - Sending non-SSL to SSL socket does not hang (connection closed)
[IO::Socket::Async::SSL] ok 2 - No connection emitted
[IO::Socket::Async::SSL] ok 3 - Server tap did not QUIT on bad incoming connection
[IO::Socket::Async::SSL] 1..3
[IO::Socket::Async::SSL] t/bad-incoming.t ... ok
[IO::Socket::Async::SSL] ok 1 - Connection fails when the are non-matching cipher expectations
[IO::Socket::Async::SSL] ok 2 - Connection ok when ciphers match up
[IO::Socket::Async::SSL] 1..2
[IO::Socket::Async::SSL] t/ciphers.t ........ ok
[IO::Socket::Async::SSL] ok 1 - listen method returns a Supply
[IO::Socket::Async::SSL] ok 2 - Server not listening until Supply is tapped
[IO::Socket::Async::SSL] ok 3 - Server listens after Supply is tapped
[IO::Socket::Async::SSL] ok 4 - Can establish and SSL connection to the SSL server
[IO::Socket::Async::SSL] ok 5 - Can write to the SSL server
[IO::Socket::Async::SSL] ok 6 - Can get a Supply of incoming data
[IO::Socket::Async::SSL] ok 7 - SSL echo server got back expected data
[IO::Socket::Async::SSL] ok 8 - Can close the SSL server connection
[IO::Socket::Async::SSL] # Subtest: Without specifying a CA, our self-signed server fails verification
[IO::Socket::Async::SSL]     1..2
[IO::Socket::Async::SSL]     ok 1 - code dies
[IO::Socket::Async::SSL]     ok 2 - right exception type (X::IO::Socket::Async::SSL::Verification)
[IO::Socket::Async::SSL] ok 9 - Without specifying a CA, our self-signed server fails verification
[IO::Socket::Async::SSL] ok 10 - Server not listening after tap is closed
[IO::Socket::Async::SSL] # Subtest: When we connect to, certificate for localhost will not do
[IO::Socket::Async::SSL]     1..2
[IO::Socket::Async::SSL]     ok 1 - code dies
[IO::Socket::Async::SSL]     ok 2 - right exception type (X::IO::Socket::Async::SSL::Verification)
[IO::Socket::Async::SSL] ok 11 - When we connect to, certificate for localhost will not do
[IO::Socket::Async::SSL] ok 12 - socket-host works
[IO::Socket::Async::SSL] ok 13 - Simple server-side ALPN works
[IO::Socket::Async::SSL] ok 14 - Passed protocols are correct
[IO::Socket::Async::SSL] ok 15 - Server-side ALPN with a subroutine works
[IO::Socket::Async::SSL] ok 16 - ALPN on server-side is set
[IO::Socket::Async::SSL] ok 17 - ALPN on server-side is set
Aborting due to test failure: IO::Socket::Async::SSL:ver<0.7.14>:auth<zef:jnthn> (use --force-test to override)
[IO::Socket::Async::SSL] ok 18 - Multiple clients with ALPN work
[IO::Socket::Async::SSL] ok 19 - Multiple clients with ALPN work
[IO::Socket::Async::SSL] ok 20 - Negotiation is correct (1)
[IO::Socket::Async::SSL] ok 21 - Negotiation is correct (2)
[IO::Socket::Async::SSL] ok 22 - listen method returns a Supply with PKCS12 bundle
[IO::Socket::Async::SSL] t/client-server.t .. Dubious, test returned 1
[IO::Socket::Async::SSL] All 22 subtests passed
[IO::Socket::Async::SSL] ok 1 - Connection with cipher doing key exchange works
[IO::Socket::Async::SSL] 1..1
[IO::Socket::Async::SSL] t/dh-ciphers.t ..... ok
[IO::Socket::Async::SSL] ok 1 - Connection with cipher doing key exchange works
[IO::Socket::Async::SSL] 1..1
[IO::Socket::Async::SSL] t/ecdh-ciphers.t ... ok
[IO::Socket::Async::SSL] ok 1 - UTF-8 decoding with bytes over boundaries correctly handled
[IO::Socket::Async::SSL] 1..1
[IO::Socket::Async::SSL] t/encoding.t ....... ok
[IO::Socket::Async::SSL] ok 1 - Thread stress-test lived
[IO::Socket::Async::SSL] 1..1
[IO::Socket::Async::SSL] t/thread-stress.t .. ok
[IO::Socket::Async::SSL] ok 1 - Got expected upgrade response
[IO::Socket::Async::SSL] ok 2 - Got upgraded connection on client side
[IO::Socket::Async::SSL] ok 3 - Got correct message from upgraded connection
[IO::Socket::Async::SSL] 1..3
[IO::Socket::Async::SSL] t/upgrade.t ........ ok
[IO::Socket::Async::SSL] All tests successful.
[IO::Socket::Async::SSL] Test Summary Report
[IO::Socket::Async::SSL] -------------------
[IO::Socket::Async::SSL] t/client-server.t (Wstat: 256 Tests: 22 Failed: 0)
[IO::Socket::Async::SSL] Non-zero exit status: 1
[IO::Socket::Async::SSL]   Parse errors: No plan found in TAP output
[IO::Socket::Async::SSL] Files=8, Tests=34,  17 wallclock secs
[IO::Socket::Async::SSL] Result: FAILED
===> Testing [FAIL]: IO::Socket::Async::SSL:ver<0.7.14>:auth<zef:jnthn>