jnthn / p6-ssh-libssh

Asynchronous binding for libssh; client-only and limited functionality so far.
8 stars 8 forks source link

Fix zef build error on non-Win boxes #12

Closed cono closed 6 years ago

cono commented 6 years ago

Zef fails to Build module due to this:

Building with plugin: Zef::Service::Shell::LegacyBuild+{<anon|1>}
Command: /home/cono/work/rakudo/install/bin/perl6 -Ilib -I/home/cono/.zef/store/p6-concurrent-progress.git/2b5652b679c2096fe8549913013fcb04a086289f/lib -I/home/cono/.zef/store/p6-test-scheduler.git/37e80685b682f65b6c01d10f74469a4db1c93b29/lib -e require '/home/cono/.zef/store/p6-ssh-libssh.git/69aea116df75f4281d04bd3bb7324eef4b57725f/Build.pm'; ::('Build').new.build('/home/cono/.zef/store/p6-ssh-libssh.git/69aea116df75f4281d04bd3bb7324eef4b57725f') ?? exit(0) !! exit(1);
===> Building [FAIL]: SSH::LibSSH
jnthn commented 6 years ago

Hmm, if it's checking the return value, wouldn't a return True be needed at the end for the Windows path also?

cono commented 6 years ago

indeed :)