jnurmine / Zenburn

Zenburn is a low-contrast color scheme for Vim.
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Make comments italic in terminal #26

Closed neezer closed 4 years ago

neezer commented 4 years ago
- hi Comment         guifg=#7f9f7f gui=italic                   ctermfg=108
+ hi Comment         guifg=#7f9f7f gui=italic                   ctermfg=108 cterm=italic

... ?? (to appease OperatorMono & Terminal users like me. 😄)

jnurmine commented 4 years ago

Thanks, good idea! In some terminals (e.g. mine) the terminal italic doesn't quite work. For example:

echo -e "\e[3m test \e[23m"

is not italicized. However, since this works for some people, I added a new configuration variable. It works like this:

let g:zenburn_italic_Comment=1
colors zenburn

The default behaviour is to use the old non-italic Comment.