jnurmine / Zenburn

Zenburn is a low-contrast color scheme for Vim.
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obey zenburn_italic_Comment in gui mode #27

Closed mwcz closed 4 years ago

mwcz commented 4 years ago

Hi, happy zenburn user of >10 years here! I was just trying to remove italicized comments (cool feature, but Terminus doesn't look good italicized).

As far as I can tell, g:zenburn_italic_Comment is currently only obeyed in terminal mode. This changes the behavior so that italics in gui mode (nvim, gvim, vimx) is controlled by g:zenburn_italic_Comment as well.

I realize this change would remove italics from users who are using zenburn in nvim/gvim/vimx, but haven't set g:zenburn_italic_Comment = 1 because they didn't have to.

jnurmine commented 4 years ago

Hey, thanks for the fix! The italic Comment was indeed buggy (it was always italic).

For the record