jnurmine / Zenburn

Zenburn is a low-contrast color scheme for Vim.
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contrast too low for highlighted background of snippet placeholders #6

Closed oblitum closed 12 years ago

oblitum commented 12 years ago

Take a look at this pic:

invisible contrast

The cursor is at the end of a snippet to complete parameters, it's a placeholder, if I enter some text, what is selected will vanish. I'd like the background of these snippets to have more contrast, sometimes I'm barely able to identify I'm filling them.

I'd like to have a brighter background for them, since they are temporary, I'll fill them, and I want to clearly see them all before filling.

jnurmine commented 12 years ago


Are you using some plugin? How do you do this parameter completion?

I don't know the syntax group of this case, also I don't quite know how to reproduce this.

oblitum commented 12 years ago

Yes, I'm using clang_complete, it's the one completing parameters, this is my .vimrc now. I'm using snipMate too, this happen with completion with it too, snipMate has no dependencies and may be easer to test against.

oblitum commented 12 years ago

It doesn't need to be function parameter completion. You just need to activate any snippet from snipMate that has a placeholder to reproduce.

oblitum commented 12 years ago

oh, It's just selection on visual mode! That's what I'd like to know how to let with a brighter background.

jnurmine commented 12 years ago

Does this change the colors closer to what you want?

:let g:zenburn_old_Visual=1
:let g:zenburn_alternate_Visual=1
:colors zenburn

(I.e. enable the alternate Visual mode; you need the zenburn_old_Visual too) In GVim it should have light cyan background for visual mode, in the terminal Vim it will be light grayish.

If not, a new setting might be needed.

oblitum commented 12 years ago

Thanks! To me it's fine now.