joBr99 / nspanel-issue-graveyard

place to move waiting for content issues to and to keep the search a bit cleaned up
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[Help] Waiting for Content #19

Closed diadehoy closed 1 year ago

diadehoy commented 1 year ago


I'm seeing the waiting for content message on the Panel and I'm unable to find the configuration issue.

[] I've double checked each step explained in the FAQ:


Make sure your have performed every step and checked the applicable boxes before submitting your issue. Thank you!

- [x] Provide your apps.yaml:

apps.yaml here: nspanel-1: module: nspanel-lovelace-ui class: NsPanelLovelaceUIManager config: panelRecvTopic: "tele/switch_NSPanel_hallway/RESULT" panelSendTopic: "cmnd/switch_NSPanel_hallway/CustomSend" model: us-l timeFormat: "%I:%M" sleepBrightness:

- [x] Go to Settings>Add-ons>AppDaemon>Log and then, provide the output of the log after restarting the appdaemon container:

Log output here: s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner: starting s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner successfully started s6-rc: info: service base-addon-banner: starting

Add-on: AppDaemon Python Apps and Dashboard using AppDaemon 4.x for Home Assistant

Add-on version: 0.11.0 You are running the latest version of this add-on. System: Raspbian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye) (armv7 / raspberrypi4) Home Assistant Core: 2022.12.8 Home Assistant Supervisor: 2022.12.1

Please, share the above information when looking for help or support in, e.g., GitHub, forums or the Discord chat.

s6-rc: info: service base-addon-banner successfully started s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs: starting s6-rc: info: service base-addon-log-level: starting s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs successfully started s6-rc: info: service base-addon-log-level successfully started s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init: starting s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init successfully started s6-rc: info: service init-appdaemon: starting Looking in links: Collecting babel Downloading Babel-2.11.0-py3-none-any.whl (9.5 MB) ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 9.5/9.5 MB 10.4 MB/s eta 0:00:00 Requirement already satisfied: pytz>=2015.7 in /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from babel) (2021.3) Installing collected packages: babel Successfully installed babel-2.11.0 WARNING: Running pip as the 'root' user can result in broken permissions and conflicting behaviour with the system package manager. It is recommended to use a virtual environment instead: s6-rc: info: service init-appdaemon successfully started s6-rc: info: service appdaemon: starting s6-rc: info: service appdaemon successfully started s6-rc: info: service legacy-services: starting s6-rc: info: service legacy-services successfully started [17:23:12] INFO: Starting AppDaemon... 2023-01-12 17:23:42.762371 INFO AppDaemon: AppDaemon Version 4.2.1 starting 2023-01-12 17:23:42.763046 INFO AppDaemon: Python version is 3.10.9 2023-01-12 17:23:42.763484 INFO AppDaemon: Configuration read from: /config/appdaemon/appdaemon.yaml 2023-01-12 17:23:42.764278 INFO AppDaemon: Added log: AppDaemon 2023-01-12 17:23:42.764671 INFO AppDaemon: Added log: Error 2023-01-12 17:23:42.765452 INFO AppDaemon: Added log: Access 2023-01-12 17:23:42.766670 INFO AppDaemon: Added log: Diag 2023-01-12 17:23:43.003307 INFO AppDaemon: Loading Plugin HASS using class HassPlugin from module hassplugin 2023-01-12 17:23:43.304055 INFO HASS: HASS Plugin Initializing 2023-01-12 17:23:43.304590 INFO HASS: HASS Plugin initialization complete 2023-01-12 17:23:43.305861 INFO AppDaemon: Loading Plugin MQTT using class MqttPlugin from module mqttplugin 2023-01-12 17:23:43.432067 INFO MQTT: MQTT Plugin Initializing 2023-01-12 17:23:43.432446 INFO MQTT: Using 'appdaemon/status' as Will Topic 2023-01-12 17:23:43.433980 INFO MQTT: Using 'appdaemon/status' as Birth Topic 2023-01-12 17:23:43.435522 INFO AppDaemon: Initializing HTTP 2023-01-12 17:23:43.436789 INFO AppDaemon: Using 'ws' for event stream 2023-01-12 17:23:43.444706 INFO AppDaemon: Starting API 2023-01-12 17:23:43.451195 INFO AppDaemon: Starting Admin Interface 2023-01-12 17:23:43.452624 INFO AppDaemon: Starting Dashboards 2023-01-12 17:23:43.486002 INFO HASS: Connected to Home Assistant 2022.12.8 2023-01-12 17:23:43.499043 INFO MQTT: Connected to Broker at URL 2023-01-12 17:23:43.513319 INFO AppDaemon: Got initial state from namespace mqtt 2023-01-12 17:23:43.514312 INFO MQTT: MQTT Plugin initialization complete 2023-01-12 17:23:43.641570 INFO HASS: Evaluating startup conditions 2023-01-12 17:23:43.646954 INFO AppDaemon: App 'nspanel-1' added 2023-01-12 17:23:43.649104 INFO AppDaemon: Found 1 total apps 2023-01-12 17:23:43.650401 INFO AppDaemon: Starting Apps with 1 workers and 1 pins 2023-01-12 17:23:43.652040 INFO AppDaemon: Running on port 5050 2023-01-12 17:23:43.661621 INFO HASS: Startup condition met: hass state=RUNNING 2023-01-12 17:23:43.662276 INFO HASS: All startup conditions met 2023-01-12 17:23:43.725581 INFO AppDaemon: Got initial state from namespace default 2023-01-12 17:23:45.667221 INFO AppDaemon: Scheduler running in realtime 2023-01-12 17:23:45.679348 INFO AppDaemon: Adding /config/appdaemon/apps to module import path 2023-01-12 17:23:45.681527 INFO AppDaemon: Adding /config/appdaemon/apps/nspanel-lovelace-ui to module import path 2023-01-12 17:23:45.683942 INFO AppDaemon: Adding /config/appdaemon/apps/nspanel-lovelace-ui/luibackend to module import path 2023-01-12 17:23:45.686125 INFO AppDaemon: Adding /config/appdaemon/apps/nspanel-lovelace-ui/luibackend/translations to module import path 2023-01-12 17:23:45.688649 INFO AppDaemon: Adding /config/appdaemon/apps/nspanel-lovelace-ui/luibackend/translations/backend to module import path 2023-01-12 17:23:45.691117 INFO AppDaemon: Adding /config/appdaemon/apps/nspanel-lovelace-ui/luibackend/translations/frontend to module import path 2023-01-12 17:23:45.722481 INFO AppDaemon: Loading App Module: /config/appdaemon/apps/nspanel-lovelace-ui/ 2023-01-12 17:23:46.039911 WARNING AppDaemon: No app description found for: /config/appdaemon/apps/nspanel-lovelace-ui/luibackend/ - ignoring 2023-01-12 17:23:46.042311 WARNING AppDaemon: No app description found for: /config/appdaemon/apps/nspanel-lovelace-ui/luibackend/ - ignoring 2023-01-12 17:23:46.044024 WARNING AppDaemon: No app description found for: /config/appdaemon/apps/nspanel-lovelace-ui/luibackend/ - ignoring 2023-01-12 17:23:46.046192 WARNING AppDaemon: No app description found for: /config/appdaemon/apps/nspanel-lovelace-ui/luibackend/ - ignoring 2023-01-12 17:23:46.047805 WARNING AppDaemon: No app description found for: /config/appdaemon/apps/nspanel-lovelace-ui/luibackend/ - ignoring 2023-01-12 17:23:46.049486 WARNING AppDaemon: No app description found for: /config/appdaemon/apps/nspanel-lovelace-ui/luibackend/ - ignoring 2023-01-12 17:23:46.051843 WARNING AppDaemon: No app description found for: /config/appdaemon/apps/nspanel-lovelace-ui/luibackend/ - ignoring 2023-01-12 17:23:46.053534 WARNING AppDaemon: No app description found for: /config/appdaemon/apps/nspanel-lovelace-ui/luibackend/ - ignoring 2023-01-12 17:23:46.055599 WARNING AppDaemon: No app description found for: /config/appdaemon/apps/nspanel-lovelace-ui/luibackend/ - ignoring 2023-01-12 17:23:46.057284 WARNING AppDaemon: No app description found for: /config/appdaemon/apps/nspanel-lovelace-ui/luibackend/ - ignoring 2023-01-12 17:23:46.058970 WARNING AppDaemon: No app description found for: /config/appdaemon/apps/nspanel-lovelace-ui/luibackend/ - ignoring 2023-01-12 17:23:46.060467 INFO AppDaemon: Initializing app nspanel-1 using class NsPanelLovelaceUIManager from module nspanel-lovelace-ui 2023-01-12 17:23:46.207295 INFO nspanel-1: Starting 2023-01-12 17:23:46.217285 INFO nspanel-1: Input config: {'panelRecvTopic': 'tele/switch_NSPanel_hallway/RESULT', 'panelSendTopic': 'cmnd/switch_NSPanel_hallway/CustomSend', 'model': 'us-l', 'timeFormat': '%I:%M', 'sleepBrightness': [{'time': 'sunrise', 'value': 50}, {'time': 'sunset', 'value': 25}], 'screensaver': {'entity': 'weather.home', 'weatherUnit': 'fahrenheit', 'theme': {'autoWeather': True}}, 'cards': [{'type': 'cardGrid', 'title': 'HOMEPAGE', 'key': 1, 'entities': [{'entity': 'navigate.cardGrid_2', 'name': 'MO', 'icon': 'mdi:robot-vacuum'}, {'entity': 'navigate.cardGrid_3', 'name': 'Birdies', 'icon': 'mdi:bird'}, {'entity': 'navigate.cardGrid_4', 'name': 'LivRM & Kitchen', 'icon': 'mdi:countertop-outline'}, {'entity': 'navigate.cardGrid_5', 'name': 'Bedrooms', 'icon': 'mdi:bed-king-outline'}, {'entity': 'navigate.cardGrid_6', 'name': 'Bathrooms', 'icon': 'mdi:toilet'}, {'entity': 'navigate.cardGrid_7', 'name': 'Misc', 'icon': 'mdi:washing-machine'}]}, {'type': 'cardGrid', 'title': 'MO', 'key': 2, 'entities': [{'entity': 'script.vacuum_pause', 'name': 'Pause', 'icon': 'mdi:pause-octagon-outline'}, {'entity': 'script.vacuum_start', 'name': 'Start', 'icon': 'mdi:play-outline'}, {'entity': 'script.vacuum_return_to_base', 'name': 'Return to Base', 'icon': 'mdi:keyboard-return'}, {'entity': 'script.vacuum_locate', 'name': 'Locate Vacuum', 'icon': 'mdi:map-marker'}, {'entity': 'navigate.cardGrid_1', 'name': 'Homepage', 'icon': 'mdi:home'}]}, {'type': 'cardGrid', 'title': 'Birdies', 'key': 3, 'entities': [{'entity': 'script.vacuum_birdies_cage', 'name': 'Cage', 'icon': 'mdi:bird'}, {'entity': 'script.vacuum_birdies_dining_room', 'name': 'Dining Room', 'icon': 'mdi:bird'}, {'entity': 'script.vacuum_birdies_clock', 'name': 'Clock', 'icon': 'mdi:bird'}, {'entity': 'script.vacuum_birdies_cage_2', 'name': 'Cage & Clock', 'icon': 'mdi:bird'}, {'entity': 'navigate.cardGrid_1', 'name': 'Homepage', 'icon': 'mdi:home'}]}, {'type': 'cardGrid', 'title': 'LivRM & Kitchen', 'key': 4, 'entities': [{'entity': 'script.vacuum_living_room', 'name': 'Living Room', 'icon': 'mdi:sofa-outline'}, {'entity': 'script.vacuum_kitchen_full', 'name': 'Full Kitchen', 'icon': 'mdi:countertop-outline'}, {'entity': 'script.vacuum_kitchen_galley', 'name': 'Kitchen Galley', 'icon': 'mdi:stove'}, {'entity': 'script.vacuum_kitchen_table', 'name': 'Kitchen Table', 'icon': 'mdi:table-chair'}, {'entity': 'navigate.cardGrid_1', 'name': 'Homepage', 'icon': 'mdi:home'}]}, {'type': 'cardGrid', 'title': 'Bedrooms', 'key': 5, 'entities': [{'entity': 'script.vacuum_master_suite', 'name': 'Master Suite', 'icon': 'mdi:bed-king-outline'}, {'entity': 'script.vacuum_master_bedroom', 'name': 'Master Bedroom', 'icon': 'mdi:bed-king-outline'}, {'entity': 'script.vacuum_bedroom_2', 'name': 'Bedroom 2', 'icon': 'mdi:bed-queen-outline'}, {'entity': 'script.vacuum_guest_bedroom', 'name': 'Guest Bedroom', 'icon': 'mdi:bed-queen-outline'}, {'entity': 'navigate.cardGrid_1', 'name': 'Homepage', 'icon': 'mdi:home'}]}, {'type': 'cardGrid', 'title': 'Bathrooms', 'key': 6, 'entities': [{'entity': 'script.vacuum_master_bathroom', 'name': 'Master Bath', 'icon': 'mdi:toilet'}, {'entity': 'script.vacuum_bathroom', 'name': 'Bathroom', 'icon': 'mdi:toilet'}, {'entity': 'navigate.cardGrid_1', 'name': 'Homepage', 'icon': 'mdi:home'}]}, {'type': 'cardGrid', 'title': 'Misc', 'key': 7, 'entities': [{'entity': 'script.vacuum_laundry', 'name': 'Laundry', 'icon': 'mdi:washing-machine'}, {'entity': 'script.vacuum_foyer', 'name': 'Foyer', 'icon': 'mdi:chandelier'}, {'entity': 'script.vacuum_dining_room', 'name': 'Dining Room', 'icon': 'mdi:table-chair'}, {'entity': 'script.vacuum_hallway', 'name': 'Hallway', 'icon': 'mdi:swap-vertical-bold'}, {'entity': 'navigate.cardGrid_1', 'name': 'Homepage', 'icon': 'mdi:home'}]}]} 2023-01-12 17:23:46.220036 INFO nspanel-1: Loaded config: {'panelRecvTopic': 'tele/switch_NSPanel_hallway/RESULT', 'panelSendTopic': 'cmnd/switch_NSPanel_hallway/CustomSend', 'updateMode': 'auto-notify', 'model': 'us-l', 'sleepTimeout': 20, 'sleepBrightness': [{'time': 'sunrise', 'value': 50}, {'time': 'sunset', 'value': 25}], 'screenBrightness': 100, 'defaultBackgroundColor': 'ha-dark', 'sleepTracking': None, 'sleepTrackingZones': ['not_home', 'off'], 'sleepOverride': None, 'locale': 'en_US', 'timeFormat': '%I:%M', 'dateFormatBabel': 'full', 'dateAdditionalTemplate': '', 'timeAdditionalTemplate': '', 'dateFormat': '%A, %d. %B %Y', 'homeButton': False, 'cards': [{'type': 'cardGrid', 'title': 'HOMEPAGE', 'key': 1, 'entities': [{'entity': 'navigate.cardGrid_2', 'name': 'MO', 'icon': 'mdi:robot-vacuum'}, {'entity': 'navigate.cardGrid_3', 'name': 'Birdies', 'icon': 'mdi:bird'}, {'entity': 'navigate.cardGrid_4', 'name': 'LivRM & Kitchen', 'icon': 'mdi:countertop-outline'}, {'entity': 'navigate.cardGrid_5', 'name': 'Bedrooms', 'icon': 'mdi:bed-king-outline'}, {'entity': 'navigate.cardGrid_6', 'name': 'Bathrooms', 'icon': 'mdi:toilet'}, {'entity': 'navigate.cardGrid_7', 'name': 'Misc', 'icon': 'mdi:washing-machine'}]}, {'type': 'cardGrid', 'title': 'MO', 'key': 2, 'entities': [{'entity': 'script.vacuum_pause', 'name': 'Pause', 'icon': 'mdi:pause-octagon-outline'}, {'entity': 'script.vacuum_start', 'name': 'Start', 'icon': 'mdi:play-outline'}, {'entity': 'script.vacuum_return_to_base', 'name': 'Return to Base', 'icon': 'mdi:keyboard-return'}, {'entity': 'script.vacuum_locate', 'name': 'Locate Vacuum', 'icon': 'mdi:map-marker'}, {'entity': 'navigate.cardGrid_1', 'name': 'Homepage', 'icon': 'mdi:home'}]}, {'type': 'cardGrid', 'title': 'Birdies', 'key': 3, 'entities': [{'entity': 'script.vacuum_birdies_cage', 'name': 'Cage', 'icon': 'mdi:bird'}, {'entity': 'script.vacuum_birdies_dining_room', 'name': 'Dining Room', 'icon': 'mdi:bird'}, {'entity': 'script.vacuum_birdies_clock', 'name': 'Clock', 'icon': 'mdi:bird'}, {'entity': 'script.vacuum_birdies_cage_2', 'name': 'Cage & Clock', 'icon': 'mdi:bird'}, {'entity': 'navigate.cardGrid_1', 'name': 'Homepage', 'icon': 'mdi:home'}]}, {'type': 'cardGrid', 'title': 'LivRM & Kitchen', 'key': 4, 'entities': [{'entity': 'script.vacuum_living_room', 'name': 'Living Room', 'icon': 'mdi:sofa-outline'}, {'entity': 'script.vacuum_kitchen_full', 'name': 'Full Kitchen', 'icon': 'mdi:countertop-outline'}, {'entity': 'script.vacuum_kitchen_galley', 'name': 'Kitchen Galley', 'icon': 'mdi:stove'}, {'entity': 'script.vacuum_kitchen_table', 'name': 'Kitchen Table', 'icon': 'mdi:table-chair'}, {'entity': 'navigate.cardGrid_1', 'name': 'Homepage', 'icon': 'mdi:home'}]}, {'type': 'cardGrid', 'title': 'Bedrooms', 'key': 5, 'entities': [{'entity': 'script.vacuum_master_suite', 'name': 'Master Suite', 'icon': 'mdi:bed-king-outline'}, {'entity': 'script.vacuum_master_bedroom', 'name': 'Master Bedroom', 'icon': 'mdi:bed-king-outline'}, {'entity': 'script.vacuum_bedroom_2', 'name': 'Bedroom 2', 'icon': 'mdi:bed-queen-outline'}, {'entity': 'script.vacuum_guest_bedroom', 'name': 'Guest Bedroom', 'icon': 'mdi:bed-queen-outline'}, {'entity': 'navigate.cardGrid_1', 'name': 'Homepage', 'icon': 'mdi:home'}]}, {'type': 'cardGrid', 'title': 'Bathrooms', 'key': 6, 'entities': [{'entity': 'script.vacuum_master_bathroom', 'name': 'Master Bath', 'icon': 'mdi:toilet'}, {'entity': 'script.vacuum_bathroom', 'name': 'Bathroom', 'icon': 'mdi:toilet'}, {'entity': 'navigate.cardGrid_1', 'name': 'Homepage', 'icon': 'mdi:home'}]}, {'type': 'cardGrid', 'title': 'Misc', 'key': 7, 'entities': [{'entity': 'script.vacuum_laundry', 'name': 'Laundry', 'icon': 'mdi:washing-machine'}, {'entity': 'script.vacuum_foyer', 'name': 'Foyer', 'icon': 'mdi:chandelier'}, {'entity': 'script.vacuum_dining_room', 'name': 'Dining Room', 'icon': 'mdi:table-chair'}, {'entity': 'script.vacuum_hallway', 'name': 'Hallway', 'icon': 'mdi:swap-vertical-bold'}, {'entity': 'navigate.cardGrid_1', 'name': 'Homepage', 'icon': 'mdi:home'}]}], 'screensaver': {'type': 'screensaver', 'entity': 'weather.home', 'weatherUnit': 'fahrenheit', 'forecastSkip': 0, 'weatherOverrideForecast1': None, 'weatherOverrideForecast2': None, 'weatherOverrideForecast3': None, 'weatherOverrideForecast4': None, 'doubleTapToUnlock': False, 'alternativeLayout': False, 'defaultCard': None, 'key': 'screensaver', 'theme': {'autoWeather': True}}, 'hiddenCards': []} 2023-01-12 17:23:46.232891 INFO nspanel-1: Sending MQTT Message: pageType~pageStartup 2023-01-12 17:23:46.255015 INFO nspanel-1: Registering callbacks for the following items: ['navigate.cardGrid_2', 'navigate.cardGrid_3', 'navigate.cardGrid_4', 'navigate.cardGrid_5', 'navigate.cardGrid_6', 'navigate.cardGrid_7', 'script.vacuum_pause', 'script.vacuum_start', 'script.vacuum_return_to_base', 'script.vacuum_locate', 'navigate.cardGrid_1', 'script.vacuum_birdies_cage', 'script.vacuum_birdies_dining_room', 'script.vacuum_birdies_clock', 'script.vacuum_birdies_cage_2', 'navigate.cardGrid_1', 'script.vacuum_living_room', 'script.vacuum_kitchen_full', 'script.vacuum_kitchen_galley', 'script.vacuum_kitchen_table', 'navigate.cardGrid_1', 'script.vacuum_master_suite', 'script.vacuum_master_bedroom', 'script.vacuum_bedroom_2', 'script.vacuum_guest_bedroom', 'navigate.cardGrid_1', 'script.vacuum_master_bathroom', 'script.vacuum_bathroom', 'navigate.cardGrid_1', 'script.vacuum_laundry', 'script.vacuum_foyer', 'script.vacuum_dining_room', 'script.vacuum_hallway', 'navigate.cardGrid_1', 'weather.home'] 2023-01-12 17:23:46.317369 INFO nspanel-1: Started 2023-01-12 17:23:46.320965 INFO AppDaemon: App initialization complete 2023-01-12 17:24:00.073997 INFO nspanel-1: Sending MQTT Message: time~05:24~


_Add information about your setup here, if any. (For example docker version of AppDaemon instead of the HomeAssistant Add-on)_
My NSPANEL was working fine w/Home Assistant until I did a HACS NSPanel Lovelace UI version upgrade. When accessing the Tasmota Console there's a line that keeps repeating, looks like it shouldn't be doing this - 

01:06:59.330 MQT: stat/switch_NSPanel_hallway/RESULT = {"Command":"Unknown"}
joBr99 commented 1 year ago

Hey, try to reinstall the berry driver on tasmota.

Backlog UrlFetch; Restart 1

diadehoy commented 1 year ago

That did it, it's back to normal. I have no idea why it worked because I tried doing this multiple times before and it would continue to show the "waiting for content" screen.

Thanks for helping out joBr99.