joBr99 / nspanel-lovelace-ui

Custom Firmware for NsPanel with the design of HomeAssistant's lovelace UI in mind, works with Tasmota.
GNU General Public License v3.0
870 stars 189 forks source link

Flashing not possible[BUG] #904

Closed Henry221164 closed 1 year ago

Henry221164 commented 1 year ago


A clear and concise description of what the problem is.

Flashing the nspanel-v4.1.0.tft is not possible


Make sure your have performed every step and checked the applicable boxes before submitting your issue. Thank you!

  Log output here:

 2023-05-22 12:16:12.999968 INFO nspanel-1: MQTT callback for: {'topic': 'tele/nspanel1/RESULT', 'wildcard': None, 'payload': '{"CustomRecv":"event,startup,50,eu"}'}
2023-05-22 12:16:13.002619 INFO nspanel-1: Received Message from Screen: event,startup,50,eu
2023-05-22 12:16:13.005572 INFO nspanel-1: Sending MQTT Message: X
2023-05-22 12:16:13.010811 INFO nspanel-1: Update Pre-Check failed Tasmota Driver Version: None Panel Version: 50
2023-05-22 12:16:13.011660 INFO nspanel-1: Startup Event
2023-05-22 12:16:13.019887 INFO nspanel-1: Sending MQTT Message: time~12:16~
2023-05-22 12:16:13.028296 INFO nspanel-1: Sending MQTT Message: date~Montag, 22. Mai 2023
2023-05-22 12:16:13.029965 INFO nspanel-1: Sending MQTT Message: dimmode~10~100~6371
2023-05-22 12:16:13.031638 INFO nspanel-1: Sending MQTT Message: pageType~screensaver
2023-05-22 12:16:13.033290 INFO nspanel-1: Sending MQTT Message: timeout~20
2023-05-22 12:16:13.045785 INFO nspanel-1: Sending MQTT Message: weatherUpdate~~~���~31728~OpenWeatherMap~18.8��C~~~���~31728~Mo.~20.5��C~~~���~25375~Mo.~22.2��C~~~���~25375~Mo.~19.8��C~~~���~38060~Mo.~14.8��C
2023-05-22 12:16:13.047670 INFO nspanel-1: Sending MQTT Message: statusUpdate~~~~~~
2023-05-22 12:16:13.513626 INFO nspanel-1: MQTT callback for: {'topic': 'tele/nspanel1/RESULT', 'wildcard': None, 'payload': '{"nlui_driver_version":"8"}'}
2023-05-22 12:16:13.516619 INFO nspanel-1: Update Pre-Check sucessful Tasmota Driver Version: 8 Panel Version: 50
2023-05-22 12:16:13.517683 INFO nspanel-1: Update of Display Firmware needed
2023-05-22 12:16:13.519204 INFO nspanel-1: Sending MQTT Message: pageType~popupNotify
2023-05-22 12:16:13.521561 INFO nspanel-1: Sending MQTT Message: entityUpdateDetail~updateDisplayNoYes~Display Update available!~65535~Dismiss~65535~Yes~65535~There's a firmware update available for the      Nextion screen of the NSPanel. Do you want tostart the update now?                                         If the update fails check the installation         manual and flash again over the Tasmota        console.                                                                 Be patient, the update will take a while.~65535~0
2023-05-22 12:16:55.036316 INFO nspanel-1: MQTT callback for: {'topic': 'tele/nspanel1/RESULT', 'wildcard': None, 'payload': '{"CustomRecv":"event,buttonPress2,updateDisplayNoYes,notifyAction,yes"}'}
2023-05-22 12:16:55.039115 INFO nspanel-1: Received Message from Screen: event,buttonPress2,updateDisplayNoYes,notifyAction,yes
2023-05-22 12:16:55.040780 INFO nspanel-1: Sending MQTT Message:
2023-05-22 12:16:55.043591 INFO nspanel-1: Button Press Event; entity_id: updateDisplayNoYes; button_type: notifyAction; value: yes 
2023-05-22 12:17:00.927052 INFO nspanel-1: Sending MQTT Message: time~12:17~
2023-05-22 12:18:00.931215 INFO nspanel-1: Sending MQTT Message: time~12:18


Steps to reproduce the behavior: First install the NSPanel Lovelace UI Backend update v4.1.4 Second Restart AppDaemon Container Third On the NS-Panel push the Button Yes to install(Flash) the Panel with the new NS-Panel.tft


A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

Nothings gone happend expect: 11:16:54.330 FLH: host:, port: 80, get: /lovelace-ui/github/nspanel-v4.1.1.tft 11:16:55.514 FLH: Send (High Speed) flash start 11:16:55.865 BRY: Exception> 'type_error' - unsupported operand type(s) for <: 'nil' and 'int'


NS-Panel Console Screenshot If applicable, add screenshots/pictures to help explain your problem. 11:16:12.398 MQT: stat/nspanel1/RESULT = {"CustomSend":"Done"} 11:16:12.447 MQT: stat/nspanel1/RESULT = {"CustomSend":"Done"} 11:16:12.500 MQT: stat/nspanel1/RESULT = {"CustomSend":"Done"} 11:16:12.540 MQT: stat/nspanel1/RESULT = {"CustomSend":"Done"} 11:16:12.656 MQT: stat/nspanel1/RESULT = {"CustomSend":"Done"} 11:16:12.796 MQT: stat/nspanel1/RESULT = {"CustomSend":"Done"} 11:16:12.846 MQT: stat/nspanel1/RESULT = {"CustomSend":"Done"} 11:16:13.122 MQT: stat/nspanel1/RESULT = {"CustomSend":"Done"} 11:16:54.148 MQT: tele/nspanel1/RESULT = {"CustomRecv":"event,buttonPress2,updateDisplayNoYes,notifyAction,yes"} 11:16:54.323 MQT: stat/nspanel1/RESULT = {"FlashNextion":"Done"} 11:16:54.330 FLH: host:, port: 80, get: /lovelace-ui/github/nspanel-v4.1.1.tft 11:16:55.514 FLH: Send (High Speed) flash start 11:16:55.865 BRY: Exception> 'type_error' - unsupported operand type(s) for <: 'nil' and 'int' 11:17:00.229 MQT: stat/nspanel1/RESULT = {"CustomSend":"Done"} 11:18:00.228 MQT: stat/nspanel1/RESULT = {"CustomSend":"Done"} 11:19:00.226 MQT: stat/nspanel1/RESULT = {"CustomSend":"Done"} 11:19:27.032 MQT: stat/nspanel1/RESULT = {"CustomSend":"Done"} 11:19:27.135 MQT: stat/nspanel1/RESULT = {"CustomSend":"Done"} 11:19:27.182 MQT: stat/nspanel1/RESULT = {"CustomSend":"Done"} 11:20:00.231 MQT: stat/nspanel1/RESULT = {"CustomSend":"Done"}

Another Screenshot from the Startingprozess of the NS-Panel with trying to update the tft.(Flashing)

00:00:00.002 HDW: ESP32-D0WD-V3 00:00:00.046 UFS: FlashFS mounted with 276 kB free 00:00:00.068 CFG: Loaded from File, Count 682 00:00:00.078 QPC: Count 1 00:00:00.216 BRY: Berry initialized, RAM used=4041 bytes 00:00:00.231 TFS: File '.drvset003' not found 00:00:00.232 CFG: Energy use defaults as file system not ready or file not found 00:00:00.242 Project tasmota - nspanel1 Version 12.5.0(nspanel)-2_0_7(2023-04-17T08:07:02) 00:00:00.489 NXP: Initializing Driver 00:00:00.496 BRY: Successfully loaded '' 00:00:01.041 WIF: Connecting to AP1 andre 2,4GHZ Channel 1 BSSId 44:4E:6D:3B:C8:ED in mode 11n as nspanel1-6316... 00:00:05.927 WIF: Connected 00:00:06.112 RSL: RESULT = {"CustomRecv":"event,startup,50,eu"} 00:00:06.187 HTP: Web server active on nspanel1-6316 with IP address 00:00:06.916 QPC: Reset 00:00:07.178 MQT: Attempting connection... 00:00:07.215 MQT: Connected 00:00:07.220 MQT: tele/nspanel1/LWT = Online (retained) 00:00:07.222 MQT: cmnd/nspanel1/POWER = 00:00:07.228 MQT: tele/nspanel1/INFO1 = {"Info1":{"Module":"NSPanel","Version":"12.5.0(nspanel)","FallbackTopic":"cmnd/DVES_0CD8AC_fb/","GroupTopic":"cmnd/tasmotas/"}} 00:00:07.244 MQT: tele/nspanel1/INFO2 = {"Info2":{"WebServerMode":"Admin","Hostname":"nspanel1-6316","IPAddress":"","IP6Global":"2001:9e8:4193:e000:e2e2:e6ff:fe0c:d8ac","IP6Local":"fe80::e2e2:e6ff:fe0c:d8ac"}} 00:00:07.258 MQT: tele/nspanel1/INFO3 = {"Info3":{"RestartReason":"Software reset CPU","BootCount":97}} 00:00:07.276 MQT: stat/nspanel1/RESULT = {"POWER1":"OFF"} 00:00:07.282 MQT: stat/nspanel1/POWER1 = OFF 00:00:07.285 MQT: stat/nspanel1/RESULT = {"POWER2":"OFF"} 00:00:07.286 MQT: stat/nspanel1/POWER2 = OFF 00:00:08.341 MQT: stat/nspanel1/STATUS = {"Status":{"Module":0,"DeviceName":"nspanel1","FriendlyName":["nspanel1",""],"Topic":"nspanel1","ButtonTopic":"0","Power":0,"PowerOnState":3,"LedState":1,"LedMask":"FFFF","SaveData":1,"SaveState":1,"SwitchTopic":"0","SwitchMode":[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],"ButtonRetain":0,"SwitchRetain":0,"SensorRetain":0,"PowerRetain":0,"InfoRetain":0,"StateRetain":0,"StatusRetain":0}} 00:00:08.398 MQT: stat/nspanel1/STATUS1 = {"StatusPRM":{"Baudrate":115200,"SerialConfig":"8N1","GroupTopic":"tasmotas","OtaUrl":"","RestartReason":"Software reset CPU","Uptime":"0T00:00:09","StartupUTC":"","Sleep":0,"CfgHolder":4617,"BootCount":96,"BCResetTime":"2022-01-30T10:18:38","SaveCount":682}} 00:00:08.454 MQT: stat/nspanel1/STATUS11 = {"StatusSTS":{"Time":"1970-01-01T00:00:08","Uptime":"0T00:00:09","UptimeSec":9,"Heap":140,"SleepMode":"Dynamic","Sleep":0,"LoadAvg":178,"MqttCount":1,"Berry":{"HeapUsed":16,"Objects":240},"POWER1":"OFF","POWER2":"OFF","Wifi":{"AP":1,"SSId":"andre 2,4GHZ","BSSId":"44:4E:6D:3B:C8:ED","Channel":1,"Mode":"11n","RSSI":48,"Signal":-76,"LinkCount":1,"Downtime":"0T00:00:07"}}} 00:00:08.511 MQT: stat/nspanel1/STATUS2 = {"StatusFWR":{"Version":"12.5.0(nspanel)","BuildDateTime":"2023-04-17T08:07:02","Core":"2_0_7","SDK":"","CpuFrequency":160,"Hardware":"ESP32-D0WD-V3 rev.3","CR":"419/699"}} 00:00:08.551 MQT: stat/nspanel1/RESULT = {"Time":"1970-01-01T00:00:08","Uptime":"0T00:00:09","UptimeSec":9,"Heap":142,"SleepMode":"Dynamic","Sleep":0,"LoadAvg":188,"MqttCount":1,"Berry":{"HeapUsed":16,"Objects":240},"POWER1":"OFF","POWER2":"OFF","Wifi":{"AP":1,"SSId":"andre 2,4GHZ","BSSId":"44:4E:6D:3B:C8:ED","Channel":1,"Mode":"11n","RSSI":48,"Signal":-76,"LinkCount":1,"Downtime":"0T00:00:07"}} 00:00:08.614 MQT: stat/nspanel1/STATUS10 = {"StatusSNS":{"Time":"1970-01-01T00:00:08","ANALOG":{"Temperature1":29.4},"TempUnit":"C"}} 11:16:11.907 MQT: tele/nspanel1/STATE = {"Time":"2023-05-22T11:16:11","Uptime":"0T00:00:12","UptimeSec":12,"Heap":142,"SleepMode":"Dynamic","Sleep":0,"LoadAvg":277,"MqttCount":1,"Berry":{"HeapUsed":16,"Objects":240},"POWER1":"OFF","POWER2":"OFF","Wifi":{"AP":1,"SSId":"andre 2,4GHZ","BSSId":"44:4E:6D:3B:C8:ED","Channel":1,"Mode":"11n","RSSI":46,"Signal":-77,"LinkCount":1,"Downtime":"0T00:00:07"}} 11:16:11.951 MQT: tele/nspanel1/SENSOR = {"Time":"2023-05-22T11:16:11","ANALOG":{"Temperature1":29.4},"TempUnit":"C"} 11:16:12.138 MQT: tele/nspanel1/RESULT = {"CustomRecv":"event,startup,50,eu"} 11:16:12.282 MQT: tele/nspanel1/RESULT = {"nlui_driver_version":"8"} 11:16:12.338 MQT: stat/nspanel1/RESULT = {"CustomSend":"Done"} 11:16:12.398 MQT: stat/nspanel1/RESULT = {"CustomSend":"Done"} 11:16:12.447 MQT: stat/nspanel1/RESULT = {"CustomSend":"Done"} 11:16:12.500 MQT: stat/nspanel1/RESULT = {"CustomSend":"Done"} 11:16:12.540 MQT: stat/nspanel1/RESULT = {"CustomSend":"Done"} 11:16:12.656 MQT: stat/nspanel1/RESULT = {"CustomSend":"Done"} 11:16:12.796 MQT: stat/nspanel1/RESULT = {"CustomSend":"Done"} 11:16:12.846 MQT: stat/nspanel1/RESULT = {"CustomSend":"Done"} 11:16:13.122 MQT: stat/nspanel1/RESULT = {"CustomSend":"Done"} 11:16:54.148 MQT: tele/nspanel1/RESULT = {"CustomRecv":"event,buttonPress2,updateDisplayNoYes,notifyAction,yes"} 11:16:54.323 MQT: stat/nspanel1/RESULT = {"FlashNextion":"Done"} 11:16:54.330 FLH: host:, port: 80, get: /lovelace-ui/github/nspanel-v4.1.1.tft 11:16:55.514 FLH: Send (High Speed) flash start 11:16:55.865 BRY: Exception> 'type_error' - unsupported operand type(s) for <: 'nil' and 'int' 11:17:00.229 MQT: stat/nspanel1/RESULT = {"CustomSend":"Done"} 11:18:00.228 MQT: stat/nspanel1/RESULT = {"CustomSend":"Done"} 11:19:00.226 MQT: stat/nspanel1/RESULT = {"CustomSend":"Done"} 11:19:27.032 MQT: stat/nspanel1/RESULT = {"CustomSend":"Done"} 11:19:27.135 MQT: stat/nspanel1/RESULT = {"CustomSend":"Done"} 11:19:27.182 MQT: stat/nspanel1/RESULT = {"CustomSend":"Done"} 11:20:00.231 MQT: stat/nspanel1/RESULT = {"CustomSend":"Done"} 11:21:00.177 MQT: stat/nspanel1/RESULT = {"CustomSend":"Done"} 11:21:11.908 MQT: tele/nspanel1/STATE = {"Time":"2023-05-22T11:21:11","Uptime":"0T00:05:12","UptimeSec":312,"Heap":135,"SleepMode":"Dynamic","Sleep":0,"LoadAvg":999,"MqttCount":1,"Berry":{"HeapUsed":16,"Objects":243},"POWER1":"OFF","POWER2":"OFF","Wifi":{"AP":1,"SSId":"andre 2,4GHZ","BSSId":"44:4E:6D:3B:C8:ED","Channel":1,"Mode":"11n","RSSI":54,"Signal":-73,"LinkCount":1,"Downtime":"0T00:00:07"}} 11:21:11.953 MQT: tele/nspanel1/SENSOR = {"Time":"2023-05-22T11:21:11","ANALOG":{"Temperature1":30.0},"TempUnit":"C"} 11:22:00.231 MQT: stat/nspanel1/RESULT = {"CustomSend":"Done"} 11:23:00.227 MQT: stat/nspanel1/RESULT = {"CustomSend":"Done"} 11:24:00.177 MQT: stat/nspanel1/RESULT = {"CustomSend":"Done"} 11:25:00.378 MQT: stat/nspanel1/RESULT = {"CustomSend":"Done"} 11:25:58.897 APP: Serial logging disabled 11:26:00.182 MQT: stat/nspanel1/RESULT = {"CustomSend":"Done"} 11:26:11.907 MQT: tele/nspanel1/STATE = {"Time":"2023-05-22T11:26:11","Uptime":"0T00:10:12","UptimeSec":612,"Heap":137,"SleepMode":"Dynamic","Sleep":0,"LoadAvg":999,"MqttCount":1,"Berry":{"HeapUsed":16,"Objects":243},"POWER1":"OFF","POWER2":"OFF","Wifi":{"AP":1,"SSId":"andre 2,4GHZ","BSSId":"44:4E:6D:3B:C8:ED","Channel":1,"Mode":"11n","RSSI":48,"Signal":-76,"LinkCount":1,"Downtime":"0T00:00:07"}} 11:26:11.921 MQT: tele/nspanel1/SENSOR = {"Time":"2023-05-22T11:26:11","ANALOG":{"Temperature1":30.3},"TempUnit":"C"} 11:27:00.232 MQT: stat/nspanel1/RESULT = {"CustomSend":"Done"} 11:28:00.227 MQT: stat/nspanel1/RESULT = {"CustomSend":"Done"} 11:29:00.227 MQT: stat/nspanel1/RESULT = {"CustomSend":"Done"} 11:29:26.977 MQT: stat/nspanel1/RESULT = {"CustomSend":"Done"} 11:29:27.087 MQT: stat/nspanel1/RESULT = {"CustomSend":"Done"} 11:29:27.133 MQT: stat/nspanel1/RESULT = {"CustomSend":"Done"} 11:30:00.227 MQT: stat/nspanel1/RESULT = {"CustomSend":"Done"}


Add any other context about the problem here. Please note here in case you are using ioBroker


Please add the Panel/Firmware Version you are using (EU, US-L or US-P) EU ,Tasmota 12.5.0 >>>Project tasmota - nspanel1 Version 12.5.0(nspanel)-2_0_7(2023-04-17T08:07:02)

joBr99 commented 1 year ago

Is your panel able to reach the Internet/DNS or is there something blocking the connection?

Henry221164 commented 1 year ago

yes the Panel has a Connect to the Internet and ist reachable--Diese Nachricht wurde von meinem Android Mobiltelefon mit 1&1 Mail gesendet.Am 22.05.23, 16:00 schrieb Johannes @.***>:

Is your panel able to reach the Internet/DNS or is there something blocking the connection? —Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe.You are receiving this because you authored the thread.Message ID: @.***>

Henry221164 commented 1 year ago

Here the tasmota log27:56.521 MQT: stat/nspanel1/RESULT = {"FlashNextion":"Done"}15:27:56.530 FLH: host:, port: 80, get: /lovelace-ui/github/nspanel-v4.1.1.tft15:27:57.707 FLH: Send (High Speed) flash start15:27:58.063 BRY: Exception> 'type_error' - unsupported operand type(s) for <: 'nil' and 'int'15:27:59.400 MQT: stat/nspanel1/RESULT = {"CustomSend":"Done"}--Diese Nachricht wurde von meinem Android Mobiltelefon mit 1&1 Mail gesendet.Am 22.05.23, 16:00 schrieb Johannes @.***>:

Is your panel able to reach the Internet/DNS or is there something blocking the connection? —Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe.You are receiving this because you authored the thread.Message ID: @.***>

joBr99 commented 1 year ago

Bitte einmal

und davon bitte den Log posten.

Henry221164 commented 1 year ago

ne"} 17:49:49.389 CMD: weblog 3 17:49:49.397 MQT: stat/nspanel1/RESULT = {"WebLog":3} 17:49:49.877 CFG: Saved, Count 696, Bytes 4096 17:50:00.246 SRC: MQTT 17:50:00.249 CMD: Grp 0, Cmd 'CUSTOMSEND', Idx 1, Len 11, Pld -99, Data 'time~18:50~' 17:50:00.264 NXP: payload sent = bytes('55BB0B0074696D657E31383A35307E9D40') 17:50:00.271 MQT: stat/nspanel1/RESULT = {"CustomSend":"Done"} 17:50:24.727 CMD: FlashNextion 17:50:24.730 SRC: WebConsole from 17:50:24.733 CMD: Grp 0, Cmd 'FLASHNEXTION', Idx 1, Len 37, Pld -99, Data '' 17:50:24.744 MQT: stat/nspanel1/RESULT = {"FlashNextion":"Done"} 17:50:24.786 FLH: host:, port: 80, get: /lui-release.tft 17:50:24.791 WIF: DNS failed for after 2 ms 17:50:24.794 FLH: Connected:false 17:50:24.898 FLH: Retry 2 17:50:25.101 FLH: Retry 3 17:50:25.403 FLH: Retry 4 17:50:25.805 FLH: Retry 5 17:50:25.807 FLH: Nothing available to read! 17:50:25.812 NXP: Nextion command sent = bytes('4452414B4A485355594447424E434A48474A4B534842444EFFFFFF') 17:50:25.816 NXP: Nextion command sent = bytes('7265636D6F643D30FFFFFF') 17:50:25.820 NXP: Nextion command sent = bytes('7265636D6F643D30FFFFFF') 17:50:25.824 NXP: Nextion command sent = bytes('636F6E6E656374FFFFFF') 17:50:25.834 NXP: Received Raw = bytes('636F6D6F6B20322C33303631342D302C4E5834383332463033355F303131432C...') 17:50:25.888 FLH: Send (High Speed) flash start 17:50:25.893 NXP: Nextion command sent = bytes('77686D692D7772697320302C3932313630302C72657330FFFFFF') 17:50:26.238 NXP: Received Raw = bytes('05') 17:50:26.241 FLH: Read block 17:50:26.245 BRY: Exception> 'type_error' - unsupported operand type(s) for <: 'nil' and 'int' 17:51:00.285 SRC: MQTT 17:51:00.287 CMD: Grp 0, Cmd 'CUSTOMSEND', Idx 1, Len 11, Pld -99, Data 'time~18:51~' 17:51:00.301 NXP: skipped command becuase still flashing 17:51:00.308 MQT: stat/nspanel1/RESULT = {"CustomSend":"Done"} 17:52:00.285 SRC: MQTT 17:52:00.287 CMD: Grp 0, Cmd 'CUSTOMSEND', Idx 1, Len 11, Pld -99, Data 'time~18:52~' 17:52:00.301 NXP: skipped command becuase still flashing 17:52:00.308 MQT: stat/nspanel1/RESULT = {"CustomSend":"Done"}

joBr99 commented 1 year ago

17:50:24.791 WIF: DNS failed for after 2 ms

There you go, DNS funktioniert nicht, dein Panel ist nicht in der Lage zu einer IP aufzulösen.

Henry221164 commented 1 year ago

Habe dann lokal den Flash ausgeführt,natürlich vorher heruntergeladen FlashNextion Log: 17:57:28.078 HTP: Consoles 17:57:29.673 HTP: Console 17:57:39.485 CMD: FlashNextion 17:57:39.489 SRC: WebConsole from 17:57:39.491 CMD: Grp 0, Cmd 'FLASHNEXTION', Idx 1, Len 58, Pld -99, Data '' 17:57:39.504 MQT: stat/nspanel1/RESULT = {"FlashNextion":"Done"} 17:57:39.546 FLH: host:, port: 8123, get: /config/www/HMI/lui-release.tft 17:57:39.550 WIF: DNS resolved '' ( in 1 ms 17:57:39.566 FLH: Connected:true 17:57:39.672 FLH: Retry 2 17:57:39.835 FLH: HTTP Respose is 200 OK or 206 Partial Content 17:57:39.838 FLH: Flash file size: 9206 17:57:39.842 NXP: Nextion command sent = bytes('4452414B4A485355594447424E434A48474A4B534842444EFFFFFF') 17:57:39.846 NXP: Nextion command sent = bytes('7265636D6F643D30FFFFFF') 17:57:39.850 NXP: Nextion command sent = bytes('7265636D6F643D30FFFFFF') 17:57:39.858 NXP: Nextion command sent = bytes('636F6E6E656374FFFFFF') 17:57:39.867 NXP: Received Raw = bytes('636F6D6F6B20322C33303631342D302C4E5834383332463033355F303131432C...') 17:57:39.922 FLH: Send (High Speed) flash start 17:57:39.927 NXP: Nextion command sent = bytes('77686D692D7772697320393230362C3932313630302C72657330FFFFFF') 17:57:40.272 NXP: Received Raw = bytes('05') 17:57:40.275 FLH: Read block 17:57:40.277 FLH: Buff size 5591 17:57:40.282 FLH: Writing 4096 17:57:40.289 MQT: tele/nspanel1/RESULT = {"Flashing":{"complete": 0, "time_elapsed": 0}} 17:57:40.404 FLH: Total 4096 17:57:59.578 SRC: MQTT 1684774942855

joBr99 commented 1 year ago

probier die URL mal in einem Webbrowser, da kommt mit sicherheit irgendeine seite von homeassistant aber keine tft datei

Bei mir sieht die lokale URL so aus: image

joBr99 commented 1 year ago

also bei dir dann vermutlich


Henry221164 commented 1 year ago

Jo,Danke das war es,er flasht jetzt.Mal schauen ob es klappt. Eine Frage noch wie bekomme ich das Weblog wieder weg?

joBr99 commented 1 year ago

weblog 2 in der Konsole, dann ist es wieder normal

Henry221164 commented 1 year ago

Nochmals Danke für die schnelle Hilfe