joBr99 / nspanel-lovelace-ui

Custom Firmware for NsPanel with the design of HomeAssistant's lovelace UI in mind, works with Tasmota.
GNU General Public License v3.0
870 stars 188 forks source link

[BUG] Fail to update to v4.2.0 Tasmota #963

Closed copilador closed 1 year ago

copilador commented 1 year ago


It is not possible to upgrade to the latest version v4.2.0 nspanel-v4.2.0.tft, with Tasmota


"AppDaemon, NSpanel and Home Assistant have been restarted, an attempt has been made to perform the upgrade automatically (1º update Home Assistant Hacs, 2º restart AppDaemon add-on, 3º from NsPanel screen select "Yes"), it has been tried manually (1º update Home Assistant Hacs, 2º restart AppDaemon add-on, 3º tasmota console-> FlashNextion command, the result in both cases is the transition to the progress bar screen in Nspanel, but without any transfers

log. AppDaemon update (automated)
2023-08-22 15:01:32.422139 INFO nspanel-1: Sending MQTT Message: color~0~65516~65535~65535~65535~65535~65535~65535~65535~65535~65535~65535~65535~65535~65535~2016
2023-08-22 15:01:32.430404 INFO nspanel-1: Sending MQTT Message: statusUpdate~���~2016~���~31~True~True
2023-08-22 15:01:34.280632 INFO nspanel-1: MQTT callback for: {'topic': 'tele/nspanel_xxxxxx/RESULT', 'wildcard': None, 'payload': '{"nlui_driver_version":"8"}'}
2023-08-22 15:01:34.283542 INFO nspanel-1: Update Pre-Check sucessful Tasmota Driver Version: 8 Panel Version: 51
2023-08-22 15:01:34.285788 INFO nspanel-1: Update of Display Firmware needed
2023-08-22 15:01:34.287692 INFO nspanel-1: Sending MQTT Message: pageType~popupNotify
2023-08-22 15:01:34.291318 INFO nspanel-1: Sending MQTT Message: entityUpdateDetail~updateDisplayNoYes~Display Update available!~65535~Dismiss~65535~Yes~65535~There's a firmware update available for the     
 Nextion screen of the NSPanel. Do you want tostart the update now?
 If the update fails check the installation
 manual and flash again over the Tasmota 
 console. Be patient, the update will take a while.~65535~0
2023-08-22 15:01:50.224661 INFO nspanel-1: MQTT callback for: {'topic': 'tele/nspanel_xxxxxx/RESULT', 'wildcard': None, 'payload': '{"CustomRecv":"event,buttonPress2,updateDisplayNoYes,notifyAction,yes"}'}
2023-08-22 15:01:50.227901 INFO nspanel-1: Received Message from Screen: event,buttonPress2,updateDisplayNoYes,notifyAction,yes
2023-08-22 15:01:50.230838 INFO nspanel-1: Sending MQTT Message:
2023-08-22 15:01:50.236549 INFO nspanel-1: Button Press Event; entity_id: updateDisplayNoYes; button_type: notifyAction; value: yes 
2023-08-22 15:01:55.683288 INFO nspanel-1: Sending MQTT Message: timeout~45
2023-08-22 15:01:55.742951 INFO nspanel-1: Sending MQTT Message: weatherUpdate~text~sensor.nspanel_htu21_temperature~���~17299~Not found check~ apps.yaml~~~���~38066~mi��~34.2��C~~~���~65504~jue~34.3��C~~~���~2016~Potencia red electrica~-708 W~delete~~~~~~~~���~17299~Temperatura externa~38.6��C
2023-08-22 15:01:55.749992 INFO nspanel-1: Sending MQTT Message: color~0~65516~65535~65535~65535~65535~65535~65535~65535~65535~65535~65535~65535~65535~65535~2016

Log. console Tasmota-> FlashNextion command 00:00:51.418 MQT: stat/nspanel_xxxxxx/RESULT = {"FlashNextion":"Done"} 00:00:51.469 FLH: host:, port: 80, get: /lovelace-ui/github/nspanel-v4.2.0.tft 00:00:53.542 MQT: stat/nspanel_xxxxxx/RESULT = {"CustomSend":"Done"} 00:00:53.667 MQT: stat/nspanel_xxxxxx/RESULT = {"CustomSend":"Done"} 00:00:53.739 FLH: Send (High Speed) flash start 00:00:53.877 MQT: stat/nspanel_xxxxxx/RESULT = {"CustomSend":"Done"} 00:00:53.973 MQT: stat/nspanel_xxxxxx/RESULT = {"CustomSend":"Done"} 00:00:54.026 MQT: stat/nspanel_xxxxxx/RESULT = {"CustomSend":"Done"} 00:00:54.155 MQT: stat/nspanel_xxxxxx/RESULT = {"CustomSend":"Done"} 00:00:54.175 BRY: Exception> 'type_error' - unsupported operand type(s) for <: 'nil' and 'int' 00:00:54.240 MQT: stat/nspanel_xxxxxx/RESULT = {"CustomSend":"Done"} 00:00:54.297 MQT: stat/nspanel_xxxxxx/RESULT = {"CustomSend":"Done"} 00:00:57.420 MQT: stat/nspanel_xxxxxx/RESULT = {"CustomSend":"Done"} 00:01:11.924 MQT: tele/nspanel_xxxxxx/STATE = {"Time":"1970-01-01T00:01:11","Uptime":"0T00:01:12","UptimeSec":72,"Heap":137,"SleepMode":"Dynamic","Sleep":0,"LoadAvg":999,"MqttCount":1,"Berry":{"HeapUsed":16,"Objects":243},"POWER":"OFF","Wifi":{"AP":1,"SSId":"wifi_domo","BSSId":"xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx","Channel":4,"Mode":"11n","RSSI":44,"Signal":-78,"LinkCount":1,"Downtime":"0T00:00:03"}} 00:01:11.975 MQT: tele/nspanel_xxxxxx/SENSOR = {"Time":"1970-01-01T00:01:11","ANALOG":{"Temperature1":32.2},"Thermostat0":{"ThermostatModeSet":0,"TempTargetSet":18.00,"CtrDutyCycleRead":0},"TempUnit":"C"} 00:01:19.805 MQT: stat/nspanel_xxxxxx/RESULT = {"POWER":"OFF"} 00:01:19.812 MQT: stat/nspanel_xxxxxx/POWER = OFF

Flash latest release on NSPanel.

loading of the nspanel-v4.2.0.tft file and completion of the update

![Captura desde 2023-08-22 15-09-46](


Tasmota, AppDaemon  0.13.4, Firmware Version EU
joBr99 commented 1 year ago

Please restart Tasmota and run FlashNextion in the Tasmota console.

copilador commented 1 year ago

Hi, I already did it, but I did it again and the problem continues. cap1

joBr99 commented 1 year ago

Is your tasmota device able to do DNS and HTTP Requests to the Internet? This usually happens if the traffic is blocked.

copilador commented 1 year ago

I think so, since I didn't have any issues with the latest updates, do you know how I could verify it? Thank you

joBr99 commented 1 year ago

Try to an tasmota update from the tasmota servers. (Upgrade by web server)

copilador commented 1 year ago

I have tried with another router, since I have a version of tasmota compiled manually to use an HTU21D sensor and I would lose support with an update, the result is the same...

copilador commented 1 year ago

As it seems to be an issue with my network, I will try using Home Assistant as the server, I think I recall there being documentation regarding this, thanks again.

joBr99 commented 1 year ago

Yes you can use HA as a webserver.



copilador commented 1 year ago

Solved!! Thank you for the help, I don't know what problem I have in my network, but locally it works!!

joBr99 commented 1 year ago

Do you have a gateway configured on your tasmota (in case you configured a static IP)?

copilador commented 1 year ago

Yes, ipaddress2 (router)... I have several Tasmota devices with the same configuration, and I can update them from the Tasmota server.

I don't know the reason, but I had an incorrect IP in IPAddress4. I think that is the error. I am very grateful for your help and your great work.