joadnacer / jdz_allocator

Zig General Purpose Memory Allocator
MIT License
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Aligned allocation is broken #2

Closed Validark closed 2 months ago

Validark commented 2 months ago
const std = @import("std");
const jdz_allocator = @import("jdz_allocator");

const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;

pub fn main() !void {
    var jdz = jdz_allocator.JdzAllocator(.{}).init();
    defer jdz.deinit();

    const gpa: Allocator = jdz.allocator();

    const overaligned_sizes = [_]usize{ 192, 3136, 192, 3136, 192 };
    var buffers: [overaligned_sizes.len][]const u8 = undefined;

    for (overaligned_sizes, &buffers, 0..) |overaligned_size, *buffers_slot, i| {
        std.debug.print("{}: {}\n", .{ i, overaligned_size });
        buffers_slot.* = try gpa.alignedAlloc(u8, 64, overaligned_size);

    for (buffers) |buffer| {;

Gives the following error:

0: 192
1: 3136
2: 192
3: 3136
4: 192
thread 133011 panic: incorrect alignment
/home/niles/.cache/zig/p/122041a5792fa779a0aff08c1fb75e8ab847b8ec102666c309dd0fe07550d3249249/src/span.zig:93:38: 0x106cdfa in allocate (exe)
        self.free_list = @as(*usize, @ptrFromInt(block)).*;
/home/niles/.cache/zig/p/122041a5792fa779a0aff08c1fb75e8ab847b8ec102666c309dd0fe07550d3249249/src/shared_allocator.zig:97:37: 0x103c179 in alloc (exe)
                return self.allocate(aligned_block_size);
/home/niles/zig/0.12.0-dev.3630+215de3ee6/files/lib/std/mem/Allocator.zig:86:29: 0x106e574 in allocBytesWithAlignment__anon_6929 (exe)
    return self.vtable.alloc(self.ptr, len, ptr_align, ret_addr);
/home/niles/zig/0.12.0-dev.3630+215de3ee6/files/lib/std/mem/Allocator.zig:211:40: 0x103d7ad in allocWithSizeAndAlignment__anon_4312 (exe)
    return self.allocBytesWithAlignment(alignment, byte_count, return_address);
/home/niles/zig/0.12.0-dev.3630+215de3ee6/files/lib/std/mem/Allocator.zig:205:75: 0x103898f in alignedAlloc__anon_3607 (exe)
    const ptr: [*]align(a) T = @ptrCast(try self.allocWithSizeAndAlignment(@sizeOf(T), a, n, return_address));
/home/niles/Documents/github/Zig-Parser-Experiment/src/jdzalloc_test.zig:17:46: 0x10385b7 in main (exe)
        buffers_slot.* = try gpa.alignedAlloc(u8, 64, overaligned_size);
/home/niles/zig/0.12.0-dev.3630+215de3ee6/files/lib/std/start.zig:511:37: 0x1038345 in posixCallMainAndExit (exe)
            const result = root.main() catch |err| {
joadnacer commented 2 months ago

Thanks for reporting this.

This issue can be reproduced more simply for const overaligned_sizes = [_]usize{ 192, 192, 192 };. It occurs due to utils.roundUpToPowerOfTwo erroneously rounding down, causing the aligned size for a len/alignment of 64/192 being 128 instead of 256 - with 3 consective allocations, this causes a segfault. This is fixed in

While debugging this, I also noticed tests failing for max alignment on a device with a large page size (16KiB), as previously alignment was capped at the system's minimum page size. This is now fixed in, and alignment is now supported for up to 32KiB on all systems.