joakim666 / colortail

Like the tail command line utility but with colors
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Help with combining Docker Logs and colortail? #23

Open ctrlbrk42 opened 2 years ago

ctrlbrk42 commented 2 years ago

I live in Docker Logs, with this alias

alias logs='docker logs $@ 2>&1'

Which lets me do this quickly (only a rudimentary example):

# logs --tail 10 dns

Press [CTRL + C] to stop...

Technitium DNS Server is stopping...
Technitium DNS Server was stopped successfully.
Technitium DNS Server was started successfully.
Using config folder: /etc/dns/config

Note: Open http://dns:5380/ in web browser to access web console.

Press [CTRL + C] to stop...

Could someone help me combine this with colortail? I've tried the obvious (to me) but it's not working. Something to do with how the redirection of STDERR/STDOUT is happening. Could use a hand, because I am new to colortail but am loving it's simplicity.