Open felixkat opened 5 days ago
Please give a copy of Joaktree configuration, Maps Services tab.
Is "geocode by subdivision" parameter set to yes or no ? try to set it to no.
Hi, It's related to GoogleMap geocoding and not OpenStreeMap.
It has been fixed by version 2.0.3-rc3 :
Note: I still have doubts about the use of "Geocode the subdivision" parameter. I don't use GoogleMap, so, I'm not sure about this.
After some testing, it appears the main issue occurs if you set interactive map to 'no'.
The error message will vary depending if you have details in the country and language code. The original screenshot I sent you didn't have country or language code entered.
The following settings:-
Produce the following error.
Sorry! With rc3, subdivision activated or not, I can't geocode with Google nor OpenStreetMap. If I disable geocoding, I get errors on sources that I didn't have at the time.
No error with RC2 version (Google no subdivision).
This was tested with RC3 as pictured with geocode set to no.
The error only appears if items haven't been processed, so I performed UPDATE #___joaktree_locations SET "indServerProcessed"="0"
for testing.
I will test again later.
I disabled indServerProcessed variable in
@fontanil : It seems that it does not work anymore and I still do not understand how it's usefull anyway.
Geocoding with OpenStreetMap is now correct and GoogleMap should be OK too.
I thought it was there so only locations that haven't been geocoded were processed. so gecoding can be done in smaller batches without starting from the beginning.
So if all records are set to indServerProcessed"="1" then geocding isn't performed.
I could be wrong though, I'm still learning Joaktree 😄
Hi, I'm not a joaktree expert, I just did Joomla 5 migration. There are a bunch of functions I did not test and some I don't see their purposes. Thank you for yor help in testing. Pascal
I'm happy to help with the testing as I have a family members website that I'm using it to test on.
Geocode button results in a bad URL.
It does this with either map service.