Closed lefou closed 10 months ago
Thanks @lefou for the report. My first thought is that's a bug that needs to be reported to scalacenter/scalafix directly since this plugin is just running it.
@joan38 It doesn't look like an upstream issue to me, as Tomasz showed in that the same scalafix rule works when it is run from Metals.
I also confirmed it works in SBT.
I'm really confused here. We pretty much have no code in this repo. I don't see why that would not work. We probably need help from the scalacenter, @bjaglin maybe?
I am not from the scalacenter but I can have a look :)
I have never used mill though, and I am running into a compilation error locally, with JDK17. What am I missing?
brice@t14:~/git/scala/mill-scalafix$ ./mill __.checkFormat + __.fix --check + __.docJar + __.test
[4/188] mill-scalafix[0.10.12].checkFormat
Everything is formatted already
[7/188] mill-scalafix[0.11.1].checkFormat
Everything is formatted already
[50/188] mill-scalafix[0.10.12].semanticDbData
[info] compiling 3 Scala sources to /home/brice/git/scala/mill-scalafix/out/mill-scalafix/0.10.12/semanticDbData.dest/classes ...
[error] bad constant pool index: 0 at pos: 48445
[error] while compiling: <no file>
[error] during phase: globalPhase=<no phase>, enteringPhase=<some phase>
[error] library version: version 2.13.10
[error] compiler version: version 2.13.10
[error] reconstructed args: -bootclasspath /home/brice/.cache/coursier/v1/https/ -deprecation -encoding utf8 -explaintypes -feature -unchecked -Wconf:cat=deprecation:w -Wconf:cat=unchecked:w -Wconf:cat=feature:w -Wconf:cat=deprecation:ws -Wconf:cat=feature:ws -Wconf:cat=optimizer:ws -Wdead-code -Wvalue-discard -Wnumeric-widen -Wunused:imports -Wunused:patvars -Wunused:privates -Wunused:locals -Wunused:explicits -Wunused:implicits -Wunused:synthetics -Wunused:nowarn -Wextra-implicit -Xlint:adapted-args -Xlint:nullary-unit -Xlint:inaccessible -Xlint:infer-any -Xlint:missing-interpolator -Xlint:doc-detached -Xlint:private-shadow -Xlint:type-parameter-shadow -Xlint:poly-implicit-overload -Xlint:option-implicit -Xlint:delayedinit-select -Xlint:package-object-classes -Xlint:stars-align -Xlint:constant -Xlint:deprecation -Xlint:implicit-recursion -classpath /home/brice/.cache/coursier/v1/https/ -language:existentials -language:higherKinds -language:implicitConversions -language:experimental.macros -Xcheckinit -Xplugin:/home/brice/.cache/coursier/v1/https/ -Xsource:3.0.0 -Ystop-after:semanticdb-typer -Yrangepos -Vimplicits -Vtype-diffs -P:semanticdb:sourceroot:/home/brice/git/scala/mill-scalafix
[error] last tree to typer: EmptyTree
[error] tree position: <unknown>
[error] tree tpe: <notype>
[error] symbol: null
[error] call site: <none> in <none>
Interesting, I've never seen this error.
Does ./mill clean
and ./mill __.compile
Does ./mill clean and ./mill __.compile work?
cleaning does work, it's really the compilation step that fails
Sorry for the noise, I sorted it out, it was a conflict between the java
in my PATH
, unrelated to mill...
So from what I see and understand after a quick intro to mill, the fix
task depends on semanticDbData
, feeding the output of that, which consists only of semanticdb files (even though I assume class files are available in the output of the zinc worker), to scalafix as classpath. However, scalafix require also class files in that directory, particularly for advanced rules like ExplicitResultTypes
I assume this issue is a regression of since at that point localClasspath
probably contained both class files and semanticdb files.
I believe the fix is to
to withClasspath
to withSemanticdbTargetRoots
From an upstream perspective, I will look at why scalafix does not fail fast in the absence of class files (I assume we only check for the presence of semanticdb files).
Amazing @bjaglin! I would never have found this myself. I will try your suggestions. And update here.
Thank you @bjaglin for your input! This was it!
Unfortunately, another integration test broke after I feed the whole classpath to scalafix. See PR #172 for details. Any ideas, @joan38 ?
I assume this issue is a regression of #102 since at that point
probably contained both class files and semanticdb files.
For the sake of completeness, I don't think #102 was a regression. mill-scalafix never forwarded the whole classpath to scalafix, which would be necessary for rules like ExplicitResultTypes
to work correctly.
mill-scalafix never forwarded the whole classpath to scalafix, which would be necessary for rules like ExplicitResultTypes to work correctly.
Indeed. scalafixScalaBinaryVersion
does work but it's unclear from the comments in if ExplicitResultTypes
ever worked - it probably didn't?
I discovered this issue here:
And added a reproducer in form of an integration test in this PR: