joanllenas / ngx-date-fns

⏳ date-fns pipes for Angular
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Auto-detect language #404

Closed perotom closed 5 months ago

perotom commented 5 months ago

I want to auto-detect the formatting based on user language. I find myself writing a configuration factory like:

import {de, enGB, enUS, fr, it} from 'date-fns/locale';

const dateLocaleFactory = () => {
  const lang = navigator.language;
  if (lang.startsWith('en')) {
    if (lang === 'en-GB') {
      return enGB;
    } else {
      return enUS;
  } else if (lang.startsWith('de')) {
    return de;
  } else if (lang.startsWith('it')) {
    return it;
  } else if (lang.startsWith('fr')) {
    return fr;
  } else { // default
    return enUS;
const dateConfigFactory = () => {
  const c = new DateFnsConfigurationService();
  return c;

I wonder if there is a helper function or better way of implementing all available languages? I know date-fns is written in a way to not import all locale but it would be great to have a function which would ease the process of auto-detecting the language. Are there some ideas or better ways to solve it instead of a giant if else?

joanllenas commented 5 months ago

Hi @perotom , I did a quick experiment, and I came up with this: But it doesn't make much of a difference.

Maybe you can come up with something by examining this document:

If you do, please share your findings here! This is an interesting problem to solve.


perotom commented 5 months ago

I see, thanks for the information!