joannawolthuis / MetaboShiny

Repository for MetaboShiny, a novel R and RShiny based metabolomics data analysis package.
Apache License 2.0
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Fail to startup MetaboShiny #48

Open QizhiSu opened 3 years ago

QizhiSu commented 3 years ago

Hi Joannawholthuis,

I have successfully installed MetaboShiny by:

install.packages("remotes") remotes::install_github("joannawolthuis/MetaDBparse")

However, I have problem starting it. below are the detailed information. I have tried to reinstall Plotly package, but i still get the same error. Many thanks in advance!

[1] "Orca isn't working, please check your installation. If on Mac, please try starting Rstudio from the command line with the command 'open -a Rstudio'"

Listening on Warning: Since v0.2.0, there is no need to call includeJqueryUI() before using other shinyjqui functions Warning in if (getAttribs(panels[[i]])$value %in% open) { : the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used Error in parse(file, keep.source = FALSE, srcfile = src, encoding = enc) : invalid multibyte character in parser at line 1324 Warning in readLines(path) : incomplete final line found on 'C:\Users\qizhi\Documents\R\win-library\4.0\MetaboShiny/server.R' Possible missing comma at: 148: XML::xpathSApply(parsed_doc, path = '//*[@id="readme"]/article', function(x) XML::saveXML(x,helpFile)) ^ Possible missing comma at: 178: for(db in all_dbs[which.custom]){ ^ Possible missing comma at: 178: for(db in all_dbs[which.custom]){ ^ Possible missing comma at: 423: for(pie in c("add", "iso","db")){ ^ Possible missing comma at: 423: for(pie in c("add", "iso","db")){ ^ Possible missing comma at: 497: info_aggr <- aggregate(info_no_na, by = list(info_no_na$compoundname), FUN = function(x) paste0(x, collapse = "SEPERATOR")) ^ Possible missing comma at: 498: info_aggr <- aggregate(info_aggr, by = list(info_aggr$structure), FUN = function(x) paste0(x, collapse = "SEPERATOR")) ^ Possible missing comma at: 504: main_structs <- unlist(lapply(split_structs, function(x) x[[1]])) ^ Possible missing comma at: 509: main_names <- unlist(lapply(split_names, function(x) if(length(x) > 1) x[[1]] else x[1])) ^ Possible missing comma at: 509: main_names <- unlist(lapply(split_names, function(x) if(length(x) > 1) x[[1]] else x[1])) ^ Possible missing comma at: 509: main_names <- unlist(lapply(split_names, function(x) if(length(x) > 1) x[[1]] else x[1])) ^ Possible missing comma at: 590: subsec <- aggregate(subsec, by = list(subsec$source), FUN=function(x) paste0(unique(x), collapse=".")) ^ Possible missing comma at: 623: address = unlist(sapply(gbl$constants$images, function(item) if(item$name == id) item$path else NULL)) ^ Possible missing comma at: 623: address = unlist(sapply(gbl$constants$images, function(item) if(item$name == id) item$path else NULL)) ^ Possible missing comma at: 623: address = unlist(sapply(gbl$constants$images, function(item) if(item$name == id) item$path else NULL)) ^ Possible missing comma at: 623: address = unlist(sapply(gbl$constants$images, function(item) if(item$name == id) item$path else NULL)) ^ Possible missing comma at: 847: for(bigtab in c("dimred", "permz", "overview", "ml")){ ^ Possible missing comma at: 847: for(bigtab in c("dimred", "permz", "overview", "ml")){ ^ Possible missing comma at: 850: for(bigtab in c("search", "plot_aes", "switchset", "metadata")){ ^ Possible missing comma at: 850: for(bigtab in c("search", "plot_aes", "switchset", "metadata")){ ^ Possible missing comma at: 856: for(bigtab in c("dimred", "permz", "overview", "ml")){ ^ Possible missing comma at: 856: for(bigtab in c("dimred", "permz", "overview", "ml")){ ^ Possible missing comma at: 859: for(bigtab in c("search", "plot_aes", "switchset", "metadata")){ ^ Possible missing comma at: 859: for(bigtab in c("search", "plot_aes", "switchset", "metadata")){ ^ Possible missing comma at: 864: for(tab in hide.tabs){ ^ Possible missing comma at: 864: for(tab in hide.tabs){ ^ Possible missing comma at: 872: for(tab in show.tabs){ ^ Possible missing comma at: 872: for(tab in show.tabs){ ^ Possible missing comma at: 928: for(mode in mzMode){ ^ Possible missing comma at: 928: for(mode in mzMode){ ^ Possible missing comma at: 1217: for(fp in list.files("reactive", full.names = T)){ ^ Possible missing comma at: 1217: for(fp in list.files("reactive", full.names = T)){ ^ Possible missing comma at: 1288: = sapply(, function(x) x[[1]]) ^ Possible missing comma at: 1310: headerMsg = paste0("New ", paste(pkgs[], collapse = " and "), " version available! Please install the latest GitHub version", if(sum( == 2) "s." else ".") ^ Possible missing comma at: 1310: headerMsg = paste0("New ", paste(pkgs[], collapse = " and "), " version available! Please install the latest GitHub version", if(sum( == 2) "s." else ".") ^ Possible missing comma at: 1310: headerMsg = paste0("New ", paste(pkgs[], collapse = " and "), " version available! Please install the latest GitHub version", if(sum( == 2) "s." else ".") ^ Warning: Error in sourceUTF8: Error sourcing C:\Users\qizhi\Documents\R\win-library\4.0\MetaboShiny/server.R [No stack trace available] Error in sourceUTF8(serverR, envir = new.env(parent = sharedEnv)) : Error sourcing C:\Users\qizhi\Documents\R\win-library\4.0\MetaboShiny/server.R

joannawolthuis commented 3 years ago

Hi! Thanks for the patience. Could you please see if this still happens?

QizhiSu commented 3 years ago

Hi, I now get the following problems: Warning message: replacing previous import ‘httr::config’ by ‘plotly::config’ when loading ‘MetaboShiny’ Loading required package: shiny

Listening on Warning: Since v0.2.0, there is no need to call includeJqueryUI() before using other shinyjqui functions Warning in if (getAttribs(panels[[i]])$value %in% open) { : the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used Warning: Error in : unused argument (reportTheme = TRUE) 107: 106: plotly::plotlyOutput Warning: Since v0.2.0, there is no need to call includeJqueryUI() before using other shinyjqui functions Warning in if (getAttribs(panels[[i]])$value %in% open) { : the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used Warning: Error in : unused argument (reportTheme = TRUE) 107: 106: plotly::plotlyOutput

There were 12 warnings (use warnings() to see them)

QizhiSu commented 3 years ago

image I am trying to use docker as well. however, I don't understand here since I am new with the terminal. simply copying these code does not work.

joannawolthuis commented 3 years ago

Hi, thank you for your patience! I'm currently working on a major update to R 4.0 which should address most concerns, will message you here once it's up! If you are on the R version, you may want to try the "dev" branch and see if that works first while I finish the update up :) devtools::install_github("joannawolthuis/MetaboShiny","dev") Kind regards, Joanna

QizhiSu commented 3 years ago

Thanks, I am working on R 4.0