joaofarias / csl-traffic

A WIP mod for Cities: Skylines to improve traffic.
91 stars 30 forks source link

bbcode for mod description page #30

Open originalfoo opened 9 years ago

originalfoo commented 9 years ago

WIP - don't publish yet

[h1](Works with 1.1.0 update) Traffic++ adds new roads, vehicle restrictions, speed restrictions and lane changing. [/h1]

23 May: Hotfix – FIXED wrong lane use in highways, public transport bug, vehicle speeds
22 May: Major update - improved UI, new features, bug genocide ([url=]notes/feedback[/url]) 

[url=]Report a Bug[/url] • [url=]Compatible Mods[/url] • [url=]FAQs[/url] • [url=]Source Code[/url] • [url=]Donations Welcome![/url]

[h1][b]New Roads:[/b][/h1]
[*] [b]Rural lane[/b] – 15 km/h zonable gravel road which allows buses and service vehicles ([url=]config options available[/url])
[*] [b]Suburban street[/b] – 15 km/h zonable concrete road which allows buses and service vehicles ([url=]config options available[/url])
[*] [b]Small Busway[/b] – 80 km/h red non-zonable tarmac road which allows buses and emergency vehicles (one-way and two-way versions included)
[*] [b]Large Busway[/b] – 60 km/h large zoneable road with outer red lane busways
[*] More planned for future releases ;)
[h1][i][b]Caution:[/b] If used, the custom roads will be included in your save games... which means you'll need Traffic++ to load them without errors. If you want to disable Traffic++, but still open those save games, enable [url=]Ghost Mode[/url].[/i][/h1]

[h1][b]Road Customiser:[/b][/h1]
[*] [url=]Vehicle restrictions[/url] – select lanes then choose which vehicles can use them
[*] [url=]Speed limits[/url] – select lanes then choose a custom speed limit
[*] [url=]Lane changer[/url] – select intersection then edit the traffic routes
[*] Can't find the button? [url=]See FAQ[/url].

[h1][b]Other Features:[/b][/h1]
[*] [url=]Ghost Mode[/url] – this disables the mod, but leaves behind just enough code to load saves/maps/assets that use custom roads.
[*] [url=]Multi-track stations[/url] (by [i]Sims firehouse[/i]) – allows train station assets to have multiple platforms ([url=]like this one[/url]), no need to use the separate [url=]Multi-track Station Enabler[/url] mod as Sims kindly gave us the code to put in Traffic++!
[*] [url=]Realistic speeds[/url] – makes vehicles and pedestrians use more realistic speeds (for experienced mayors!)
[*] [url=]Prevent vehicle despawn[/url] – prevent vehicles from disappearing in traffic jams (for experienced mayors!)

[h1]Known Bugs / Gripes:[/h1]
[*] Loading maps through the pause menu is currently not working.
[*] Tunnels: New roads (busway, etc) turn in to normal roads in the tunnels, and the customisation UI appears above ground when setting restrictions and editing intersections
[*] Vehicle restrictions: The custom vehicle assets from workshop aren't observing vehicle restrictions
[*] Bridges: The join between suburban streets and bridges is grim; use a short stretch of normal road before the bridge
[*] Wrong road textures used when zoomed out
[*] Some workshop mods are incompatible with Traffic++ ([url=]List here[/url])
[*] [url=]Report a Bug...[/url]
I hope you enjoy this mod. Have fun! 

[url=]FAQs[/url] | [url=]Source Code[/url] | [url=]Donations Welcome![/url]
joaofarias commented 9 years ago

I know this is still a WIP but I'll make some comments:

Everything else is looking great. Thanks for making this! :)

originalfoo commented 9 years ago

Busses - I keep making that typo, it's driving me nuts lol.

Yup, just realised the pedestrian config applies to rural lanes as well - will update.

The options button is now where it should be (I assume) - just wasn't sure. Will update text.

region capture 6

LODs - we need to clone you, or at the very least get you a time machine. You seem to get stuff done so fast anyway that I sometimes wonder if there's an underground genetics lab somewhere that has a room filled with your clones all coding away at the mod. lolol

originalfoo commented 9 years ago

the multi-track station thing... when enabled, is the separate multi-track station mod still required, or does T++ provide same functionality?

joaofarias commented 9 years ago

Not clones, minions... thousands of minions... :p I'm talking with a guy called ActionCactus (steam name). He's going to start helping out with code so things might get done twice as fast :D

multi-track station - T++ provides the same functionality. No need for the standalone mod since it is incompatible.

originalfoo commented 9 years ago

OK, the code in the OP is now ready to post to main mod description page, but please ensure the PayPal link is correct (should be, just paranoid about that sort of stuff).


Old stuff to delete:

Stuff to un-sticky:

Stuff to sticky:

I'll be able to edit all the new pages (except main mod description) to keep them updated. Most of them can just scroll off the end of the Discussions list over time, as they are all linked from main description and also the new FAQ.

originalfoo commented 9 years ago

btw, I was wondering if it would be worth getting a few more people on board, maybe setting up a loose knit team or something? V10 mentioned he knows you, and maybe Sims, CBeTHaX, hyperdrive_engage and Soda? It would be crazy to see what a team like that could do.

originalfoo commented 9 years ago

Two new slides for the slideshow on description page:

h - multi-track

originalfoo commented 9 years ago

forgot inner shadow on 2nd image - updated version below:

i - realism

joaofarias commented 9 years ago

Ok, thanks. I'll make all these changes to the page tomorrow.

Regarding getting more people on board, I'm always up for that. T++ is open for anyone that wants to help out. Now, to get all those people together, and maybe more, I think it would have to be a well defined and ambitious project and with full support from CO/PDX. But the game is too young for this kind of projects so give it time. If not us, some other people will get together to make giant projects that completely redefine the game. :)

originalfoo commented 9 years ago

heh, I could imagine a fair few giant projects :) my brain farts regarding T++ are just tip of iceberg of what I'd like to see the game do, and it goes way beyond just transport stuff...

originalfoo commented 9 years ago

Just in case the options button ever disappears again (eg. if CO release patch with major update to content manager) I'm thinking of adding a section on how to manually edit the config file to one of the new pages... Only I have no clue where it lives on disk...

originalfoo commented 9 years ago

j - options

originalfoo commented 9 years ago

Would it be possible to add the first slide (titled "a - overview" in the thumbnails below) in to the main description slideshow before the traffic manager slide (currently it only appears in sidebar)? It sets the scene for what the mod is about, and also makes it a bit clearer that traffic manager (slide b) is a separate thing, whilst at same time letting traffic manager users know that the lane changer is now living in Traffic++ (slide a).

Also, changed the order of the slides a bit to incorporate the new multi-station and hardmode slides:

region capture 3

originalfoo commented 9 years ago

Also, I mocked up some possible images for use on the tooltips that pop up when hovering over road icons in the roads menu (did 2 versions of the small busway as couldn't decide which was better):

small busway 2 rural lane small busway 1 suburban street

I can tweak the 'warmth' of the images to match that of the images that come with the game roads, but I can't find any decent samples of those vanilla images (is there any way to extract them from the game files?)

joaofarias commented 9 years ago

I also have lots of ideas for big-ass projects but we have to be realistic ;)

The options file is on the same folder of the executable. Not sure how this translates to OS X and Linux.

The tooltips look nice (though very different from the originals) and I prefer the first busway which has BUS LANE right up front. You can use modTools to get those images. You need to find the options file (which is in the same folder of my options file) and change the ImprovedWorkshop to false since it's not compatible with 1.1.0b

originalfoo commented 9 years ago

Did you get chance to update the mod description?

joaofarias commented 9 years ago

No, not yet. I'll do that in a bit.

joaofarias commented 9 years ago

Just updated the mod with these changes.

I just changed something from the description. I changed the Large Busway to Large Road with Bus lanes. The difference is that while the busway is a road entirely dedicated to buses, the large road has a mix of lanes - both normal and bus.

joaofarias commented 9 years ago

Tunnels won't be a problem: screenshot 53

Max zoomed out: screenshot 55

Halfway, so you can clearly see the difference: screenshot 56

Told you I knew how to make LODs ;)

originalfoo commented 9 years ago


originalfoo commented 9 years ago

hrm. that large road with bus lanes... what's with the grey bits of road between bus lane and pavement? any way that could be made red to - so the bus lane is like 2 lanes wide? (It would revert to 1 lane wide on bridges/tunnels as they can't have bus stops IIRC)

EDIT: Ah, it's for parking... Hrm...

originalfoo commented 9 years ago

Is there any way to texture the inside of tunnels?

joaofarias commented 9 years ago

I'm guessing you need some sleep :P Those grey bits of road between bus lane and pavement are where cars park. :)

I've set a texture to the tunnel road but it didn't work. I'm guessing the code to render the tunnels ignores the textures - the default texture is actually null, so... More than the texture though, we'd need the tunnel model and some lighting in there.

originalfoo commented 9 years ago

I always need sleep lol. It just looks weird having roadside parking on a road with bus lanes :/

originalfoo commented 9 years ago

FYI: nlights Improved Mods Panel has been revived (as separate mod) - seems to be compatible with options button judging by this screenie:

images akamai steamusercontent

joaofarias commented 9 years ago

Cool. Yeah, looks right, just to the side of the share button. He probably left that space in there on purpose.

joaofarias commented 9 years ago

This has been a productive day. Taking the list of bugs in the description:

Loading maps through the pause menu is currently not working. <-- Fixed Tunnels: New roads (busway, etc) turn in to normal roads in the tunnels <-- Fixed, and the customisation UI appears above ground when setting restrictions and editing intersections
Vehicle restrictions: The custom vehicle assets from workshop aren't observing vehicle restrictions <-- Fixed Bridges: The join between suburban streets and bridges is grim; use a short stretch of normal road before the bridge Wrong road textures used when zoomed out <-- Partially Fixed (only fixed the busways and large road)

originalfoo commented 9 years ago

From Reddit: "Updated Traffic++ makes me giggle like a schoolgirl."

You will freaking love this:


joaofarias commented 9 years ago

It's amazing! Thanks for showing it to me. :)

originalfoo commented 9 years ago

So, we now need new rally track and race track roads :) lolol

originalfoo commented 9 years ago

Cats are inspecting your intersections:


EDIT: I think gifs work on the workshop slideshow widget... Maybe add that cat gif in after the intersections slide?

originalfoo commented 9 years ago

Seems T++ lane routing can be used to make magic roundabouts actually work in-game:

originalfoo commented 9 years ago

Some Roads mod has textures for 2-lane highway btw.

originalfoo commented 9 years ago

Update for links list at top of description page:

[url=]Report a Bug[/url] • [url=]Compatible Mods[/url] • [url=]FAQs[/url] • [url=]Source Code[/url] • [url=]Donate[/url]

Note: Check PayPal link is correct. Text above changes "Donations Welcome!" to just "Donate" in hope it will pull '' text on to end of the links bar instead of word wrapping to under "Report a bug".

Update for New Roads section on the description page:

[h1][b]New Roads:[/b][/h1]
[*] [url=]Pedestrianised Roads[/url] – putting pedestrians first, these roads employ traffic calming measures to reduce vehicle usage; buses and service vehicles only ([url=]config options available[/url])
[*] [url=]Bus Roads[/url] – boost performance of public transport with dedicated bus lanes; buses and emergency mode vehicles only ([url=]enhanced AI available[/url])
[*] More planned for future releases ;)
[i][b]Caution:[/b] If used, the custom roads will be included in your save games... which means you'll need Traffic++ to load them without errors. If you want to disable Traffic++, but still open those save games, enable [url=]Ghost Mode[/url].[/i]

Massively simplified content of the section, links added to a new page that provides detailed information about the roads.

originalfoo commented 9 years ago

New image for slideshow - can go anywhere:

k - buses

originalfoo commented 9 years ago

Random idea: The "Traffic Report Tool" mod draws lines and other shapes on roads.... In that mod the lines seem to lie flat on the road surface rather than on top of highest object/terrain. I've not tested it with tunnels yet, but maybe worth a look?


originalfoo commented 9 years ago

just a note to self: Steam -> Settings -> Downloads -> Download Restrictions

originalfoo commented 9 years ago

FYI: Henkka and Damien from CO streaming later today in what they're calling a "Mod Master Class":


originalfoo commented 9 years ago

Henkka just posted that his stream will be more closely monitored for comments than the main one ;)

Main stream:

originalfoo commented 9 years ago

FYI: If you ever get report of lane arrows being messed up, ask user if they have Hide UI - it has a buglet (nothing to do with T++) that messes up lane arrows in F11 mode (arrows return to normal when exiting F11 mode).

originalfoo commented 9 years ago

Anyone would think I'm compiling a list of awesome examples of T++ use to make a promo video...

originalfoo commented 9 years ago

Another vid featuring T++

originalfoo commented 9 years ago

I wasn't going to show you this until it was much more complete, but I imagine you're pretty stressed with the current bug deluge/genocide and could use a distraction :)

Clips aren't synced to music yet and there's loads of glitches and stuff, but here's a sneak peek...

(WIP) Traffic++: The Movie!

joaofarias commented 9 years ago

Looking good already :)

originalfoo commented 9 years ago

Moo is asking for modding community feedback on reddit and elsewhere; seems they are planning to make many improvements based on modder feedback: