joaofarias / csl-traffic

A WIP mod for Cities: Skylines to improve traffic.
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Taxis and Runways #33

Open originalfoo opened 9 years ago

originalfoo commented 9 years ago

Just found a mod that's not compatible with T++ - it adds 'roads' for drawing airport runways and taxiways:


Source code:


Something to consider for T++? Or is there a way to make that mod compatible with T++?

originalfoo commented 9 years ago

LOL, could you imagine intersection routing and vehicle restrictions on a runway hahaha

originalfoo commented 9 years ago

We could add vehicle restrictions for planes on to the end of the road vehicles list. Then join roads up to taxiway. Then enable planes to drive to the shops. Seriously, it would be wrong not to.

You could do same for trains, have a special station that has a road running through it with platforms either end. TRAMS! lolololol

joaofarias commented 9 years ago

Why isn't it compatible?

I would only consider adding them if they're functional (which they aren't at the moment).

originalfoo commented 9 years ago

Apparently planes land on them, but then they just take off again as there's no airport and the AI gets confused "These are not the runways you are looking for"

Will ask them for more detail on the incompatibility with T++

joaofarias commented 9 years ago

The hardest thing to make trams is putting the tracks model in the roads. The Tram model could be done in the vehicle editor (I think it's possible to customize trains right?) and I can easily (theoretically, haven't really tried) make trains use roads if I want. :)

originalfoo commented 9 years ago

Would it work without putting tracks model in roads? I imagine the internets would provide a model if needs be, or is it something more complex?

joaofarias commented 9 years ago

I think so. But to have that just replace the bus with a tram and there you go. :P

originalfoo commented 9 years ago

FYI: Runways & Taxiways mod breaks T++ causing Road Customiser button not to show.

Workaround: Build runways/taxiways, then disable R&T mod to get Traffic++ working again.

originalfoo commented 9 years ago

Random idea... The bridge mode of a runway could be an airway... 'road' surface disappears and gets replaced with a dotted line with green squares around it at regular intervals to show the flight corridor.

originalfoo commented 9 years ago

SamSamTS has made a version of Runways & Taxiways mod that is compatible with T++:

originalfoo commented 9 years ago

Just in case these things ever make it in to T++....


disabled: disabled

default: default

hover: hover

pressed: pressed

selected: selected

originalfoo commented 9 years ago


disabled: disabled

default: default

hover: hover

pressed: pressed

selected: selected

originalfoo commented 9 years ago

Darker variant of runway icon (note: raw export so not sized like the others yet)
