Closed originalfoo closed 9 years ago
There are also lots of people reporting flying vehicles, only started happening recently - possibly something to do with setting correct vehicle AIs (and core game AIs might be broken)?
Log - lots of T++ errors in there:
Looks like TM and T++ are competing over AIs?
We recently detected a bug in the core game code where vehicle assets from the workshop were all being assigned to the CarAI, and that was causing all sorts of other problems.
Where did you learn this?
I may have been misinterpreted somewhere but Traffic++ does not fix this issue since I didn't even know this was an issue. In fact, I do believe this information is wrong or at least does not happen in all cases.
I thought that was one of the bugs fixed in recent release / hotfix? That the vehicles were using the wrong AI (it was also causing workshop vehicles to ignore lane restrictions)...? Regardless, I'll edit the statement to remove bad infos.
No, the problem was that T++ wasn't changing their AI, so they had their default AI, be it hearse, ambulance, whatever. It wasn't a problem from the game. :)
I still can't reproduce this problem though. I've tried the saves people provided and have been running them from some time now. Still, no problem. I think I'll focus on the performance problem as that will require me to change a lot of things and I might stumble upon the bug. Having said that, I'll be keeping an eye open for reports to see if I can fix it sooner rather than later.
I've updated posts to let people know what I said was gibberish :)
Will start gathering some infos here to see if I can identify any other possible causes for these issues.
User: Stopdaydreaming
user: wjdp
User: Wokit
User: McOffsky
Mentioned he had the vehicle stopping bug (provided some support to help him fix that) but also mentioned that the flying vehicles bug was happening before he started using T++.....!
More flying vehicles....
BTW, with the AI stuff from what I can see T++ changes the AI of vehicles - is that stored in save game? If so, what happens when save game loaded?
the flying vehicles bug was happening before he started using T++.....!
This is very interesting. I also remember reading somewhere that setting T++ in ghost mode didn't fix it. I'll try to find it.
AFAIK, nothing on the AI classes is saved.
User: Danish-Viking:
Was there a silent update? I don't think I got anything. How do I check?
I've no idea - several users have mentioned they had a big download from Steam today on C:S, roughly 230MB. But there doesn't seem to be any way to find out what it actually is or what it does. Still digging in to it to try and find out.
More vehicles experiencing a gravitational rift:
Getting reports that the off-road vehicle bug is fixed; possibly too early to confirm though. Will monitor interwebs and if no further reports of this issue will close after weekend.
No further reports of airborne vehicles, seems this bug is fixed :)