joaogarin / angular-electron

Angular2 and Electron starter using webpack
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Firebase Storage ? #57

Closed Nebula-Spark closed 7 years ago

Nebula-Spark commented 7 years ago

Is there Anyway to use firebase storage ? It's working Perfectly fine with angular-cli,

Using the following code , Import *as firebase from 'firebase'

const storage = firebase.strorage().ref()

Above Code Working FIne In webversion

But At node electron getting the following error

firebase.storeage is not a function !

Or Is there any good storage service can you recommend ?

joaogarin commented 7 years ago

Is that a typo? Its "storage". but to be quite frank I havent tried it, in web of electron version . I have used firebase with electron just as experiment, but failed in authenticating as previously it was not upported for I though it was not ideal. But maybe that works fine now.

Nebula-Spark commented 7 years ago


I just found the solution new version of firebase storage is not supported on nodejs , instead need to use
@google-cloud/storage for file upload .