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Use libp2p or gRPC for the networking layer? #1

Open joaoh82 opened 4 weeks ago

joaoh82 commented 4 weeks ago

I am currently researching the best option to go with for the networking layer. I understand that gRPC was not initially made for P2P communication but instead for a Client/Server model, but I have seen recently a couple of project trying different implementations of it, so I am wondering if we should go with a more straight forward approach and use something like libp2p, despite the complexity. Or try something new and use gRPC. here are some of the pros and cons I compiled so far:

Libp2p Networking Stack


Designed for P2P: Libp2p is specifically designed for peer-to-peer networking, making it an excellent choice for decentralized applications like blockchains. It handles peer discovery, connection management, multiplexing, encryption, and more.

Modularity: Libp2p is highly modular, allowing you to customize and optimize your networking stack according to your needs. You can choose different transport protocols, discovery mechanisms, and security layers.

Decentralized Friendly: Libp2p is built with decentralization in mind, enabling you to build a truly distributed system where nodes can join or leave the network dynamically without relying on central servers.

Used by Major Projects: Libp2p is used by large, well-known decentralized projects like IPFS, Filecoin, and Ethereum 2.0. This means it has been tested in real-world, large-scale decentralized environments.


Complexity: Libp2p can be more complex to set up and use, especially if you are new to P2P networking or if your project does not require the full suite of features it offers.

Learning Curve: Due to its flexibility and modularity, there is a steeper learning curve associated with understanding and effectively implementing libp2p.

gRPC and Protobufs


Ease of Use: gRPC is easier to use and implement, particularly if you're already familiar with Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) and protocol buffers. It provides a straightforward way to define services and data structures using protobufs.

Performance: gRPC is highly performant, supporting HTTP/2 by default, which allows for efficient use of network resources, multiplexing, and lower latency.

Language Support: gRPC and protobufs are supported in many programming languages, making it easier to build cross-language services.

Interoperability: gRPC is an excellent choice if you need to interoperate with other services, especially in microservices architectures or when communicating between different systems.


Not P2P Specific: gRPC is not designed specifically for P2P networks. It assumes a client-server model, so additional work is required to adapt it to a decentralized or distributed architecture.

Lack of Native P2P Features: While you can implement P2P features on top of gRPC, such as peer discovery and connection management, it doesn’t come with these out-of-the-box like libp2p does.

dimartiro commented 3 weeks ago

I strongly suggest using libp2p, as it has already solved most of the specific p2p protocol issues you aim to address here, such as discovery and transport. And it is widely used in many blockchain projects.

Additionally, instead of using gRPC, you could use protobuf as the encoding mechanism for libp2p, which offers an easy way to define well-structured messages.

What do you think?