joaomgcd / JoinDesktop

A desktop app for Join built in Electron
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Clicking the "Dismiss Everywhere"-button doesn't dismiss notifications on my phone #46

Open ars4l4n opened 2 years ago

ars4l4n commented 2 years ago

I have Join set up on my Google Pixel 3 (Android 10, build QQ3A.200805.001), as a browser extension, Join on the Web and Join Desktop 1.1.2 (on Windows 10 64 bit Version 2004).

Almost everything works fine, I can send notifications back and forth etc. but Join Desktops' "dismiss everywhere"-Button on the notification popup doesn't dismiss the notification on my Android phone. Oddly, the button works when pressed within Join Desktops' UI.

edit: The issue is also there on Join Desktop 1.1.1 and 1.1.0

joaomgcd commented 2 years ago

Hmm, do other app's notifications also not work? I think the problem might be that the notification is not showing that it's from Pixel 3... Can you please open the app on the Pixel 3, go to the devices tab, pull down to refresh and then when it's done, try again? Thanks!

ars4l4n commented 2 years ago

Hmm, do other app's notifications also not work? I think the problem might be that the notification is not showing that it's from Pixel 3... Can you please open the app on the Pixel 3, go to the devices tab, pull down to refresh and then when it's done, try again? Thanks!

that didn't help The issue also occurs on my Galaxy S7 Fortunately, It doesn't affect Calendar Notifications. So far, I've only observed this in the following scenarios: -dismiss a "Note to Self" notification sent to all devices via Join Desktops' Popup button: doesn't dismiss the notification on my Phones -dismiss a "Note to Self" notification sent to all devices by swiping it away from the notification panel on my phone: dismisses it on my other phone but doesn't dismiss the Join Desktop Popup Notification (even if I tried refreshing eg Join Chromes' notification list or Join Desktops' Device list after the dismissal)

-dismiss a call notification via Join Desktops' notification popup: call notification stays open on my phones (no matter if I press "dismiss" during or after the call)