joaomilho / Enterprise

🦄 The Enterprise™ programming language
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Quadruple Licensing NEEDED #58

Open famecastle opened 2 years ago

famecastle commented 2 years ago

Issue Template

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My new Enterprise B2B Startup will sue you. We recruited a business communications expert whose slideshow told us there is no "Contact Sales" button on your product page. Also, where are the .msi's for our Windows Server 2012 R2 Cloud™? How do we even install this Enterprise™ thing when there's no way to accept the license requirements?

I propose a transparent Quadruple Licensing Scheme:

  1. MIT-License for use in every Commercial Closed-Source Project that's being developed with Enterprise™, at the MIT
  2. "Enterprise™ | First" EULA that's free for personal purposes and comes with a slightly reduced feature set (everything included except execution of your Enterprise™ programs)
  3. "Enterprise™ | On-Prem™" special $$$ license which allows you to use "Enterprise™ | First" on your own hardware. It's essentially the same as 2. but it restricts the use of other devices.
  4. "Enterprise™ | Enterprise" $$$$$$, allowing you to sell programs created with "Enterprise™ | Enterprise". Please note that this doesn't include the right to ship an Enterprise runtime, which the user has to obtain a license for. Life isn't a bowl of cherries - get that already!
joaomilho commented 2 years ago

TOO OPEN SOURCE. Let's replace item 1 with:

  1. Freemium license: Free to use but we'll collect ALL YOUR DATA. Freedom has a cost! Let's call it "Freedom™".
famecastle commented 2 years ago

Set the database password to "secret" and I'm SOLD!

Hocuri commented 2 years ago


Note that the proposal was to authorize using the MIT license only for projects at the MIT, yielding the business value of people not understanding this restriction, and enabling us to sue them.

I still approve of the idea of a freemium license and propose a holistic and flexible Sixtuple Licensing Scheme, further enhancing our customer's license experience:

  1. Apache-License for use of the Chiricahua, Jicarilla, Lipan, Mescalero, Mimbreño, Ndendahe, Salinero, Plains and Western Apache peoples.

  2. Freemium license: Free to use but we'll collect ALL YOUR DATA AND YOUR FIRSTBORN CHILD. Freedom has a cost! We call it "Freedom™".