joaomneto / TitanCompanion

Android app to support Fighting Fantasy gamebook playing without the use of additional pen, paper and dice. The objective is for the reader to immerse himself fully on the book and let the app do the rest of the work. The objective of this application is to support the distinct rules of each Fighting Fantasy gamebook.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
14 stars 4 forks source link

Review translation for Midnight Rogue #66

Closed joaomneto closed 6 years ago

joaomneto commented 6 years ago

Hello Seb,

can you check the translation for the following Midnight Rogue strings?

I did it on my own just to finish the issue, but since i don't have a copy of the french book, I need you to review them if you don't mind. :)

<!-- Midnight Rogue -->
    <string name="chosenSkills">Habilités</string>
    <string name="specialSkills">Habilités</string>
    <string name="skillList">Habilités:</string>
    <string name="selectedSkills">Habilités choisies:</string>
    <string name="skill_climb">Escalade</string>
    <string name="skill_hide">Cacher</string>
    <string name="skill_picklock">Crochetage</string>
    <string name="skill_pickpocket">Pickpocket</string>
    <string name="skill_secretsigns">Signes Secrets</string>
    <string name="skill_sneak">Furtif</string>
    <string name="skill_spot_hidden">Perception</string>
    <string name="deleteSkillQuestion">Supprimer habilité?</string>

Kind Regards

sebhz commented 6 years ago

No pb. Will do tonight. There are a couple of other issues I spotted regarding the French translation anyway, that also need fixing !

sebhz commented 6 years ago

Done. Though the translation is pretty farfetched, it is following exactly the French book translation !