joaomneto / TitanCompanion

Android app to support Fighting Fantasy gamebook playing without the use of additional pen, paper and dice. The objective is for the reader to immerse himself fully on the book and let the app do the rest of the work. The objective of this application is to support the distinct rules of each Fighting Fantasy gamebook.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
14 stars 4 forks source link

Crash when trying to create an unsupported adventure #87

Closed sebhz closed 6 years ago

sebhz commented 6 years ago

Create a new adventure, chose an unsupported book. Titan Companion crashes. I did not like the "Book not supported" popup, but this is worse :-)

Tested on 0.30-beta. English locale. Android 6.0.1.

sebhz commented 6 years ago

Logcat says :

08-28 22:11:10.611 13825 13825 E AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main
08-28 22:11:10.611 13825 13825 E AndroidRuntime: Process: pt.joaomneto.titancompanion, PID: 13825
08-28 22:11:10.611 13825 13825 E AndroidRuntime: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Lcom/google/devtools/build/android/desugar/runtime/ThrowableExtension;

Per this seems to be a problem with Android Studio. Upgrading to 3.0-beta2 fixed it for me. According to stackoverflow, beta3 broke it again (but I did not check)

joaomneto commented 6 years ago

I just found this issue also when creating espresso testing. It's a missing class. I'm going to add it to the master branch ASAP and it should fix the problem for all versions of Android Studio. However it is merely hiding an exception. There's still an error to be fixed there... I'm adding the project do CircleCI in order to perform continuous integration running a batch of espresso tests, hopefully covering the entire app. I think this will finally solve all the regression errors I've been introducing...

Sent from my OnePlus ONEPLUS A3003 using FastHub

joaomneto commented 6 years ago

Fixed by adding a code patch to the app with the missing class. To be removed in the future as Android Studio goes to full production in v3.0