joaopereirawd / animatedModal.js

animatedModal.js is a jQuery plugin to create a fullscreen modal with CSS3 transitions. You can use the transitions from animate.css or create your own transitions.
MIT License
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Scroll events not triggered once modal window opened #35

Closed wazzzzza closed 8 years ago

wazzzzza commented 8 years ago


I have a scroll event listener which works fine until a modal is opened. Once it is launched, the listener doesn't trigger any scroll event anymore. I tried removing the listener on beforeOpen and adding it again on beforeClose but it didn't fix the issue:

$("#modal01").animatedModal({color:"rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)", beforeOpen: function() { window.removeEventListener('scroll', checkScrollY, false);  }, afterClose: function() { window.addEventListener('scroll', checkScrollY, false);  } });

function checkScrollY(){

Would you have any idea?


wazzzzza commented 8 years ago

Solution found.

Applied the fix from @imoddesign:

afterClose: function() {

On close, overflow=auto causes problems
