joaopereirawd / animatedModal.js

animatedModal.js is a jQuery plugin to create a fullscreen modal with CSS3 transitions. You can use the transitions from animate.css or create your own transitions.
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Child element animations are not possible, have the fix. #67

Open bjornweb opened 4 years ago

bjornweb commented 4 years ago

Found a bug?

If have a modal that has a child with a SVG checkmark animation. But after closing and re-opening the modal, the checkmark animation triggered the animatedModal.js -> afterClose(), causing the modal to vanish....

Ok after some debugging I know why and I have the solution.

The Why. animatedModal uses the following to bind animationEnd event handlers:'webkitAnimationEnd mozAnimationEnd MSAnimationEnd oanimationend animationend', afterClose);

Note: Binded on modal Open & Close.

With one() the event can only be triggered once. But because you bind all the possible events ie webkitAnimationEnd & animationend, the one that has presedence gets fired, but the remaining bind still is connected to the element (modal container).

With event bubbling (event bubbles up the parents until it hits a handler) my checkmark animationEnd event bubbles up until it hits the remaining binded event handler on the modal container. Which causes afterClose() to run.

Solution First I thought to only bind the correct event handler with: (!!window.webkitURL)?'webkitTransitionEnd':'transitionend';

But this maybe has backward compatibility issues?

I took a further look at one(), and this method passes the event. So we can also check the and do a simple id comparison to make sure we have the correct target.


        function afterClose () {
          settings.afterClose(); //afterClose

        function afterOpen () {
          settings.afterOpen(); //afterOpen


        function afterClose (e) {
          if( !== idConc) return;
          settings.afterClose(); //afterClose

        function afterOpen (e) {
          if( !== idConc) return;
          settings.afterOpen(); //afterOpen

Now I can use all the css animations I want inside my modal.

beepdigital-jenna commented 4 years ago

This was a massive help! Exactly what I needed, Thank you