joaopsilva / binance-java-api

binance-java-api is a lightweight Java library for the Binance API, supporting synchronous and asynchronous requests, as well as event streaming using WebSockets.
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User Data Streams for Binance (2019-08-15) #26

Open drcarter opened 4 years ago

drcarter commented 4 years ago

User Data Streams for Binance (2019-08-15)

An additional event outboundAccountPosition is sent any time an account balance has changed and contains the assets that were possibly changed by the event that generated the balance change.

  "e": "outboundAccountPosition", //Event type
  "E": 1564034571105,             //Event Time
  "u": 1564034571073,             //Time of last account update
  "B": [                          //Balances Array
      "a": "ETH",                 //Asset
      "f": "10000.000000",        //Free
      "l": "0.000000"             //Locked

If the order is an OCO, an event will be displayed named ListStatus in addition to the executionReport event.

  "e": "listStatus",                //Event Type
  "E": 1564035303637,               //Event Time
  "s": "ETHBTC",                    //Symbol
  "g": 2,                           //OrderListId
  "c": "OCO",                       //Contingency Type
  "l": "EXEC_STARTED",              //List Status Type
  "L": "EXECUTING",                 //List Order Status
  "r": "NONE",                      //List Reject Reason
  "C": "F4QN4G8DlFATFlIUQ0cjdD",    //List Client Order ID
  "T": 1564035303625,               //Transaction Time
  "O": [                            //An array of objects
      "s": "ETHBTC",                //Symbol
      "i": 17,                      // orderId
      "c": "AJYsMjErWJesZvqlJCTUgL" //ClientOrderId
      "s": "ETHBTC",
      "i": 18,
      "c": "bfYPSQdLoqAJeNrOr9adzq"