joaosilvalopes / linkedin-easy-apply-bot

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No element found for selector: #session_key #75

Open babaz8 opened 10 months ago

babaz8 commented 10 months ago

No element found for selector: #session_key at assert (/Users//linkedin-easy-apply-bot/node_modules/puppeteer-core/src/util/assert.ts:29:11) at IsolatedWorld.type (/Users//linkedin-easy-apply-bot/node_modules/puppeteer-core/src/common/IsolatedWorld.ts:348:11) at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5) at async login (/Users//linkedin-easy-apply-bot/login/index.ts:17:3) at async /Users//linkedin-easy-apply-bot/scripts/apply.ts:45:3

ismaelrodino2 commented 10 months ago

in fetchJobLinksUser.ts before await page.type(selectors.keywordInput, keywords); , add await page.waitForSelector(selectors.keywordInput); .

AnthonyHeinrichs commented 8 months ago

I also have another suggestion to work around this as the above solution wasn't helping and the issue for me as occurring in login -> index.ts.

The selectors specified in selectors -> index.ts wasn't being found so I made the following changes to the login process:

Changed index.ts:14 await page.goto('', { waitUntil: 'load' });

to await page.goto('', { waitUntil: 'load' });

Updated my selectors in selectors -> index.ts from line 25 to:

// Login captcha: "#captcha-internal", emailInput: "#username", passwordInput: "#password", loginSubmit: "button[class*='btnprimary--large frombutton--floating']", skipButton: "button[text()='Skip']",

If you're still running into the issue, try what ismaelrodino2 mentioned above and set the wait for selectors for login selectors etc on the login selectors: await page.waitForSelector(selectors.emailInput);