joaotavora / sly

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sly-inspector: keeps a refernece to data even after its been closed #568

Closed mariari closed 1 year ago

mariari commented 1 year ago

The Sly-inspector while a very useful tool for looking at hashtable contents, does not do a good job at respecting the weakness of the hashtable

Here is a transcript

CL> (defparameter *x* (make-hash-table :test #'eq
                                       :weakness :key))
CL> (setf (gethash (tg:make-weak-pointer :a) *x*) 5)
5 (3 bits, #x5, #o5, #b101)
CL> *x*
CL> (tg:gc :full t)
CL> *x*
CL> (setf (gethash (tg:make-weak-pointer :a) *x*) 5)
5 (3 bits, #x5, #o5, #b101)
CL> *x*

;; I now open up the inspector

;; I now quit the inspector

CL> (tg:gc :full t)
CL> *x*

As we can see, if we insert a weak pointer into the hashtable all is fine, after we reclaim the hashtable is back down to 0 values.

However, if we open up the inspector on the hashtable it ceases to garbage collect the weak pointers.

This can cause some memory leaks, and in my system has made me tried to track down where a live reference may live.

It would be nice, if the inspector were closed if it could remove references to the data, and or just make the inspected view of a weak-hashtable have weak pointers to data with the same policy as the hashtable itself

joaotavora commented 1 year ago

Yes, i think you're right, though i haven't looked at this code in a long time. I think it has to do with the history feature of the inspector, which allows you to go back. But I don't understand exactly what you mean by opening the inspector and closing it. Can you be perfectly specific as to what you do in those two steps. A reference to the weak hash table itself should not prevent scavenging of its entries. That would need a reference to one of the weak objects in the entry.

mariari commented 1 year ago

Sure, by open the inspector I call


and by close I mean either

sly-inspector-quit or kill-buffer

Once one of those actions happen, the keys in the table itself isn't able to be scavenged (I have not tested with other weakness criterias)

Count: 1
Size: 7
Test: EQ
Rehash size: 1.5
Rehash threshold: 1.0
Weakness:: :KEY
[clear hashtable]
#<weak pointer: :A> = 5 [remove entry]

This is the inspector menu I see, when I open the inspector for reference

joaotavora commented 1 year ago

Reproduced in SBCL with sb-ext:make-weak-pointer as the only tweak to the original recipe.

As we can see if we evaluate (inspector-%history (current-inspector)) in the :slynk package, the inspection history is keeping the inspection body's contents as well.

              0 7 EQ 1.5 1.0 :KEY)
     :ACTIONS #()
     :CONTENT ("Count" ": " (:VALUE 0) (:NEWLINE) "Size" ": " (:VALUE 7)
               (:NEWLINE) "Test" ": " (:VALUE EQ) (:NEWLINE) "Rehash size" ": "
               (:VALUE 1.5) (:NEWLINE) "Rehash threshold" ": " (:VALUE 1.0)
               (:NEWLINE) "Weakness:" ": " (:VALUE :KEY) (:NEWLINE))
              1 7 EQ 1.5 1.0 :KEY #<weak pointer: :A> 5)
                (#<FUNCTION (LAMBDA () :IN EMACS-INSPECT) {1001934ADB}> T))
     :CONTENT ("Count" ": " (:VALUE 1) (:NEWLINE) "Size" ": " (:VALUE 7)
               (:NEWLINE) "Test" ": " (:VALUE EQ) (:NEWLINE) "Rehash size" ": "
               (:VALUE 1.5) (:NEWLINE) "Rehash threshold" ": " (:VALUE 1.0)
               (:NEWLINE) "Weakness:" ": " (:VALUE :KEY) (:NEWLINE)
               (:ACTION "[clear hashtable]"
                #<FUNCTION (LAMBDA () :IN EMACS-INSPECT) {1001934ABB}>)
               (:NEWLINE) "Contents: " (:NEWLINE) (:VALUE #<weak pointer: :A>)
               " = " (:VALUE 5) " "
               (:ACTION "[remove entry]"
                #<FUNCTION (LAMBDA () :IN EMACS-INSPECT) {1001934ADB}>)
     :SERIAL NIL))

I tend to think it shouldn't. The reference to the inspectee makes sense, but the contents should regenerated on each navigation.

Keeping the history of objects inspected in the past is a nice feature but this needs to be reworked.

joaotavora commented 1 year ago

Hi @mariari I've added three commits in a side branch fix/568-dont-prevent-gc-from-inspector-references that should fix this issue for you.


joaotavora commented 1 year ago

Indeed, there appears to be some SBCL-specifics here, as Allegro Common Lisp doesn't require the commit for the C-u q technique to work and gc to work.

mariari commented 1 year ago

Indeed, there appears to be some SBCL-specifics here, as Allegro Common Lisp doesn't require the commit a432b25 for the C-u q technique to work and gc to work.

I just confirmed that for ccl no patch is needed to make C-u q work as well.