joaotavora / yasmate

Convert textmate bundles to yasnippet format
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Cannot create a replacement for old yas-with-comment command #4

Open averter opened 6 years ago

averter commented 6 years ago


I have spent a good couple of hours trying to find a way to replace this very simple snippet which does not work since my last emacs upgrade

# -*- mode: snippet -*-
# name: time stamp
# key: ts
# --
`(yas-with-comment " Time-stamp: <>")`

I am aware that the yas-with-comment command has been removed from yasnippet. I have looked on the documentation for alternative commands and other blogs online without any luck. So my question is how can I emulate the same behaviour as the above snippet? Many thanks in advance

joaotavora commented 6 years ago

Is there any reason why you are reporting this in the yasmate repository? Are you sure you don't want

averter commented 6 years ago

Ops. My bad. Sorry for that.