joaotavora / yasnippet

A template system for Emacs
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Add documentation per snippet #540

Open victorteokw opened 10 years ago

victorteokw commented 10 years ago

Add documentation region to snippet template, maybe like this:

# -*- mode: snippet; require-final-newline: nil -*-
# name: assert_operator
# key: assert_operator
# --
assert_operator(${1:o1}, ${2:op}, ${3:o2 = UNDEFINED}, ${4:msg = nil})$0
# -- documentation
For testing with binary operators.
  assert_operator 5, :<=, 4

Then user may see documentation when using auto-complete together with yasnippet.

screen shot 2014-12-03 at 2 57 55 pm

stardiviner commented 9 years ago

Seems great, I always hope auto-complete popup can show the snippet content in popup doc. Maybe this can be implemented too.

npostavs commented 8 years ago

The proposed syntax wouldn't allow # -- to appear in the body of the snippet.

victorteokw commented 8 years ago

How about

# -*- mode: snippet; require-final-newline: nil -*-
# name: assert_operator
# key: assert_operator
# documentation: 
For testing with binary operators.
  assert_operator 5, :<=, 4
# --
assert_operator(${1:o1}, ${2:op}, ${3:o2 = UNDEFINED}, ${4:msg = nil})$0
stardiviner commented 8 years ago

Looks great.

npostavs commented 8 years ago

How about [...]

I think that can work. Next question is how other packages will access this value?

stardiviner commented 8 years ago

company-mode can access meta info and document easily. Yasnippet need to create an api for other packages.

npostavs commented 8 years ago

Yasnippet need to create an api for other packages.

Right, my question was how should this api look like?

stardiviner commented 8 years ago

yas--get-document(snippet &optional short-document?) , Like this? short-document means return short document or not. Like one line snippet description. People might set "snippet key" different with "snippet name". So return "snippet name" as short description in completion framrwork's "meta" (like company-mode).

npostavs commented 8 years ago

yas--get-document(snippet &optional short-document?) , Like this?

I was going to ask how should an external package get a hold of snippet without knowing about yasnippet's internals in the first place, but taking a quick look at I see it's already going deep into the internals of yasnippet, so I guess that's we'll have to worry about later.

glepnir commented 4 years ago

see this pr