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TVM: An Automated End-to-End Optimizing Compiler for Deep Learning #18

Open joapolarbear opened 4 years ago

joapolarbear commented 4 years ago


OSDI 2018, PDF

Operator Fusion

recognize four categories of graph operators:

(1) injective (one-to-one map, e.g., add), (2) reduction (e.g., sum), (3) complexout-fusible (can fuse element-wise map to output, e.g., conv2d), and (4) opaque (cannot be fused, e.g., sort).

generic rules to fuse these operators

Multiple injective operators can be fused into another injective operator. A reduction operator can be fused with input injective operators (e.g., fuse scale and sum). Operators such as conv2d are complex-out-fusible, fuse element-wise operators to its output.