joarwilk / gql2flow

Convert a GraphQL Schema to a flow definition
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Generate correct types for queries and mutations #43

Closed ragelo closed 6 years ago

ragelo commented 6 years ago

Hi! Will be nice to see such updates! What do you think?

Schema example

type Thing {
  name: String!

input ThingsFilter {
  nameStartFrom: String

type Query {
  things(count: Number!, filter: ThingsFilter): [Thing!]

input ChangeProjectTitleInput {
  name: !String
type Thing {
  thing: Thing!

type Mutation {
  addThing(input: AddThingInput!): AddThingPayload

Current output:

declare type Query = {
  things: ?Array<Thing>;

declare type AddThingInput = {
  name: string;

declare type AddThingPayload = {
  thing: Thing;

declare type Mutation = {
  addThing: ?AddThingPayload;

Expected output:

declare type ViewerSubjectsArgs = {
  count: number;
  filter: ?ThingsFilter;
declare type Query = {
  things<ViewerSubjectsArgs>(): ?Array<Thing> | Promise<?Array<Thing>>;

declare type AddThingInput = {
  name: string;

declare type MutationAddThingArgs = {
  input: AddThingInput;

declare type AddThingPayload = {
  thing: Thing;

declare type Mutation = {
  addThing<MutationAddThingArgs>(): ?AddThingPayload | Promise<?AddThingPayload>;
joarwilk commented 6 years ago

This repo is not maintained, sorry