joatuapp / joatu-v2

The JoatU application, version 2. Written in Ruby on Rails.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Proposal: Organization Profiles #13

Open undergroundwebdesigns opened 9 years ago

undergroundwebdesigns commented 9 years ago

Proposed Idea

Let JoatU support "Organization Profiles", where the profile represents an organization with a physical presence in a given community. Organizations frequently have access to larger resources (buildings, specialized equipment) that they may be able to make available to the larger community to a greater or lesser extent.


joatu commented 9 years ago

Definitely of interest. Multiple JoatU users being able to be attached to one Organizational Account would be useful. Especially as opposed to a unique login for the organization. Comparable to the way Facebook Pages utilize admin abilities.

The ability for Organizations to create Community Requests.

The ability for Organizations to be manage CAPS to pay out their Community Requests.

undergroundwebdesigns commented 9 years ago

So this isn't a priority, obviously, at all. I think if/when we did add this concept of "organizations" though, we would want to apply to to hubs. Basically I'd see a hub as an organization that is specially affiliated with and sort of "sponsors" the local pod. In that case what we'd be building would be the possibility for other organizations to also have a presence, without being tied to a specific pod. Could be a great fit for non-profits as well.

In another issue we were talking about city-level offers... I think this feature falls under that same "level" of features. We don't need to implement these features till JoatU has grown a bit more.

joatu commented 9 years ago

At the same time, having JoatU as an admin organization that can create other organizations, add users to said organizations, allocate points to said organizations...And then allow those organizations the capabilities to both create events freely (without oversight) and distribute points (without oversight). That would be powerful.

undergroundwebdesigns commented 9 years ago

I've been thinking a lot about Organizations today, what they should do, how people should use them, and how they relate to requests & offers, and also community offers, events, caps, etc. I've been taking into account the discussion over in #102 as well. Here's some thoughts & ideas I've come up with so far, for further discussion:

I think those ideas sum up most of the functionality described in #102, while also providing a better background context of how all the parts fit together with the existing app, and how people might use these features. @joatu what do you think?

joatu commented 9 years ago

If we do it like you spoke, about the offers/requests having a postal code (or the option to put it in), does that mean people can put different postal codes for different offers (I think that makes sense)? I think it would be necessary that the postal codes are auto-inserted into the offers/requests and can be changed if the person wants to.

Great discussion! I'm really excited to see where we go and I look forward to reading your next thoughts.

joatu commented 9 years ago

I'm going to be attending a festival mid-June and was imagining people signing up, creating quick offers/requests within the "festival/organisation" that would then ping (at this point, email) the other people in the festival. I think as a eventual app, that could be a really useful capability. "Need people on second floor to help place chairs" and it pings everyone with the app.

undergroundwebdesigns commented 9 years ago

Ok, here's some follow up comments, as I'm planning on working on this today and over the weekend:

Re: postal codes and offers/requests. You bring up a good point about "what if someone moves, or changes pods". One way we could handle that is that new offers & requests default to your "home" location (home postal code... which is the same one that determines your pod), but there's an option to use a different postal code instead (or none at all, for non-location based offers). If you later change your home postal code, we could ask if you also want to update the postal code of any open offers/requests that are associated with your "home" address (maybe on an individual basis?)

Why should "search by distance" and "search by pod / org" be exclusive? Maybe I want to search for offers and requests from my neighbourhood (pod), or any of my organizations, but don't want to travel more than 50k?

So far as the question of privacy / clutter due to too many global options goes, here's my thoughts: As the person creating the offer or request you choose privacy settings, which are based on hub, organization, or pod membership. So you can say "only members of my home pod, and org X can see this offer". You can also make something public to anyone. In either case, geographic distance is not a factor, just membership in the org / pod. When searching for an offer or request, you have the option of limiting results to only those explicitly made a available to some pod / org / hub(s) and/or limiting the distance you are willing to travel. The distance filter would probably be enabled by default, set to some relatively large distance (100km?), then people can adjust as necessary. Having a default addresses your concern about finding people lending hammers in Asia in search results for Montreal. Basically, I'm operating under the assumption that if traveling is required, it is the person seeking to fulfill the offer / request (the searcher) that will be doing the traveling. So I can say I'm lending out a hammer from Vancouver, and make that public, and someone from Toronto might search globally, find that, and decide to take me up on that... but probably wouldn't. To assist with that, we could also allow people to change the "centre point" of distance search... so if I'm from Toronto but temporarily visiting Vancouver, I can centre the search on my hostel (current location), and then search for a hammer within 50km or whatever.

I disagree with allowing organizations to cover geographic areas (e.g. a "city" org). We could create something like this in the future, but I question how useful it actually is. Usually it's much better to depend on a distance-filtered search than to try and do a search for "just things in Montreal". Really it's the same problem as doing searches just for offers to a specific pod.... what if I'm at the edge of the city? Or just outside it? Also, who would "run" a city-sized organization? Also, anything getting into a hierarchy of orgs/pods adds quite a bit of complexity.

Re: people who haven't accepted the invitation... probably that's just a reality of life. Most people won't, for whatever reason, statistically speaking.

joatu commented 9 years ago

If I understand what you wrote the same way you are thinking it, it makes good sense to me. I'm looking forward to see how it turns out!

undergroundwebdesigns commented 9 years ago

Some more notes after discussion with Jamie:

joatu commented 9 years ago

Paging @undergroundwebdesigns