jobdataexchange / Data-Modeling

This repo is intended to contain resources and discussion regarding the JDX data modeling.
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Embedding HTML tags in literals #24

Open stuartasutton opened 5 years ago

stuartasutton commented 5 years ago

At least one property (jdx:formattedDescription) must accommodate HTML tagging. This can be accomplished by using the rdf:HTML datatype; e.g.:


@prefix jdx: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .

<> a jdx:JobPosting;
    jdx:formattedDescription "<li><strong>Excellent typing skills required</strong></li>"^^rdf:HTML .


  "@context": {
    "jdx": "",
    "rdf": "",
    "rdfs": "",
    "xsd": ""
  "@id": "",
  "@type": "jdx:JobPosting",
  "jdx:formattedDescription": {
    "@type": "rdf:HTML",
    "@value": "<li><strong>Excellent typing skills required</strong></li>"
DMSaunders commented 4 years ago

Why not replace schema:description with jdx:formattedDescription? Since linebreaks are needed at a minimum, any descriptions pasted into this field could have linebreaks encoded and stored in jdx:formattedDescription, which would make it minimally compatible with Google.