jobdataexchange / Data-Modeling

This repo is intended to contain resources and discussion regarding the JDX data modeling.
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Example generated code in "Specifications" website section does not validate #28

Open stuartasutton opened 4 years ago

stuartasutton commented 4 years ago

The Example Jobschema+ JSON Output File in the website "Specification" section does not validate as json-ld. There are a number of places where there are closing commas that should not be there and both float and integer values should not be enclosed in quotation marks. Here is a version with commas and quotation marks removed that validates:

    "@context": "",
    "@graph": [
            "@id": "",
            "@type": "jdx:Organization",
            "email": "",
            "hasJobPosting": "",
            "jdx:employerOverview": {
                "en-US": "Blake Lee founded the company in Seattle in 1989. Since then we have become a state of the art cybersecurity company with a culture of responsibility. We have 6,000 employees working every day to promote the security in a forward-thinking, innovative, sustainable way. Find out more about our global operations."
            "jdx:industryCode": {
                "@type": "AnnotatedDefinedTerm",
                "termCode": "541512"
            "schema:address": {
                "@type": "schema:PostalAddress",
                "schema:streetAddress": "",
                "streetAddress": "123 Acme Way"
            "schema:legalName": {
                "en-US": "ACME Cyber"
            "schema:occupationalCategory": {
                "@type": "AnnotatedDefinedTerm",
                "termCode": "15-1112.00"
            "schema:telephone": "(406) 234-0987",
            "url": ""
            "@id": "",
            "@type": "JobPosting",
            "jdx:applicantLocationRequirement": {
                "@type": "schema:Place",
                "name": "No location requirement but no relocation expenses paid."
            "jdx:citizenshipRequirement": {
                "@type": "AnnotatedDefinedTerm",
                "name": {
                    "en-US": "US Citizen"
            "jdx:competency": [
                    "@id": "",
                    "@type": "jdx:AnnotatedDefinedTerm",
                    "schema:description": {
                        "en-US": "Understand common software architectures, including layered and distributed architecture models"
                    "schema:inDefinedTermSet": {
                        "@type": "DefinedTermSet",
                        "name": {
                            "url": ""
                    "@id": "",
                    "@type": "jdx:AnnotatedDefinedTerm",
                    "schema:description": {
                        "en-US": "Microsoft Windows"
                    "schema:inDefinedTermSet": {
                        "@type": "DefinedTermSet",
                        "name": {
                            "url": ""
                    "@id": "",
                    "@type": "jdx:AnnotatedDefinedTerm",
                    "schema:description": {
                        "en-US": "Be able to connect common User devices to networks and secure them appropriately"
                    "schema:inDefinedTermSet": {
                        "@type": "DefinedTermSet",
                        "name": {
                            "url": ""
                    "@id": "",
                    "@type": "jdx:AnnotatedDefinedTerm",
                    "schema:description": {
                        "en-US": "Should be an experienced, highly self motivated individual, who works well in a team-oriented environment and possesses excellent communication and customer service skills."
                    "schema:inDefinedTermSet": {
                        "@type": "DefinedTermSet",
                        "name": {
                            "en-US": "User Generated Competency"
            "jdx:employmentUnit": {
                "@type": "Organization" ,
                "name": "ITC - R&D"
            "jdx:hiringOrganization": "" ,
            "jdx:industryCode": {
                "@type": "AnnotatedDefinedTerm" ,
                "termCode": "541512"
            "jdx:jobAgreement": {
                "@type": "AnnotatedDefinedTerm" ,
                "name": "Employee"
            "jdx:jobSchedule": {
                "@type": "AnnotatedDefinedTerm",
                "name": "Full-time"
            "jdx:jobTerm": {
                "@type": "AnnotatedDefinedTerm" ,
                "name": "Regular"
            "jdx:physicalRequirement": {
                "en-US": "sitting, occasional lifting (under 35 lb)"
            "jdx:positionID": "456-A",
            "jdx:requiredAssessment": {
                "@type": "AssessmentProfile",
                "description": "Complete an interview process which includes a live coding challenge."
            "jdx:requiredCredential": {
                "@type": "Credential",
                "description": {
                    "en-US": "Bachelor's Degree or equivalent experience"
            "jdx:securityClearanceRequirement": {
                "en-US": "US federal type C clearance"
            "jdx:sensoryRequirement": {
                "en-US": "Normal vision"
            "jdx:specialCommitment": {
              "en-US": "Special program for ex-offenders"
            "jdx:workHours": {
                "@type": "AnnotatedDefinedTerm",
                "name": "Normal work hours"
            "schema:baseSalary": {
                "@type": "schema:MonetaryAmount",
                "jdx:payCycleInterval": {
                    "@type": "jdx:AnnotateDefinedTerm",
                    "name": {
                        "en-US": "Per Year"
                "schema:currency": "USD",
                "schema:maxValue": 65000,
                "schema:minValue": 45000
            "schema:datePosted": "2019-09-01",
            "schema:description": {
                "en-US": "ACME Cyber, inc. is looking for junior level cybersecurity specialist to support corporate and client contracts in our Hernon, VA locations. You will be a critical member of a highly-skilled, adaptive cyber team that carries out defensive vulnerability research."
            "schema:incentiveCompensation": {
                "en-US": "Annual bonus possible."
            "schema:industry": {
                "en-US": "Software design and deployment including cybersecurity."
            "schema:jobBenefits": [
                    "@type": "jdx:AnnotatedDefinedTerm",
                    "name": {
                        "en-US": "Health Insurance"
                    "@type": "jdx:AnnotatedDefinedTerm",
                    "name": {
                        "en-US": "401(k)"
                    "@type": "jdx:AnnotatedDefinedTerm",
                    "name": {
                        "en-US": "Gym membership"
                    "@type": "jdx:AnnotatedDefinedTerm",
                    "name": {
                        "en-US": "Commuting/travel assistance"
            "schema:jobLocation": {
                "@type": "schema:Place",
                "address": {
                    "@type": "schema:PostalAddress",
                    "schema:streetAddress": "Seattle, WA"
            "schema:jobLocationType": {
                "en-US": "telecommute"
            "schema:title": {
                "en-US": "Junior Cybersecurity Specialist"
            "schema:validThrough": "2019-09-30",
            "jdx:totalJobOpenings": 1
DMSaunders commented 4 years ago

Fixed in this and this and this There was a point when we had to use strings for totalJobOpenings and max/min value for salary since people putting in non float values would break the app, but properly they should be floats and future apps can control for that.