jobvk / Home-Assistant-Windcentrale

Provides Home Assistant sensors for multiple wind turbines from the Windcentrale
Apache License 2.0
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No data from my windmill #149

Closed Simanias closed 9 months ago

Simanias commented 11 months ago


The Problem

To bad, after a short period of getting data for my windmill 'De Bonte Hen, it has been very unreliable again from the 2nd of October and since the 5th is has been missing completely.

Scherm­afbeelding 2023-10-08 om 21 11 20

If I visit the windcentrale website, it shows 'no data' in the beginning:

Scherm­afbeelding 2023-10-08 om 21 15 05

But somehow after a while it shows the last data it received from the mill as the actual, so it's been steady on 428 W since October the 4th:

Scherm­afbeelding 2023-10-08 om 21 15 47



Anything in the logs that might be useful for us?

No response

Additional information

No response

WBoerhoop commented 11 months ago

Same for me after the update to 2023.10.0 from "de grote geert" en "de blauwe reiger"

jobvk commented 11 months ago

@Simanias and @WBoerhoop do you have any logs?

If you downgrade to version 0.2.7, does it work again?

If you are on the website, do the values change or does the value stay at 428 Watts? If it stays at 428 Watts, it means that the API has problems.

jobvk commented 11 months ago

Looks like there are more people with the same issue #148

WBoerhoop commented 11 months ago

Answer on "If you are on the website, do the values change or does the value stay at 428 Watts? If it stays at 428 Watts, it means that the API has problems." image Still on the same value for a couple of days.!!!

Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 732, in async_update_ha_state await self.async_device_update() File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 993, in async_device_update await hass.async_add_executor_job(self.update) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/concurrent/futures/", line 58, in run result = self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/config/custom_components/windcentrale/", line 164, in update _LOGGER.error('There was an exception when updating live sensor with type {}.\n\nThe data of the sensor: {}\n\nThe total live data: {}\n\nThe type of the data: {}\n\nWith the exception: {}'.format(self.type, self._windturbine.live_data[self._sensor], self._windturbine.live_data, type(self._windturbine.live_data), exc)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ AttributeError: 'Windturbine' object has no attribute 'live_data' 2023-10-09 09:08:52.676 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.entity] Update for sensor.de_blauwe_reiger_last_update fails Traceback (most recent call last): File "/config/custom_components/windcentrale/", line 162, in update self._state = self._windturbine.liveapi.response_data[self._sensor]

KeyError: 'timestamp'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 732, in async_update_ha_state
    await self.async_device_update()
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 993, in async_device_update
    await hass.async_add_executor_job(self.update)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/concurrent/futures/", line 58, in run
    result = self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
  File "/config/custom_components/windcentrale/", line 164, in update
    _LOGGER.error('There was an exception when updating live sensor with type {}.\n\nThe data of the sensor: {}\n\nThe total live data: {}\n\nThe type of the data: {}\n\nWith the exception: {}'.format(self.type, self._windturbine.live_data[self._sensor], self._windturbine.live_data, type(self._windturbine.live_data), exc))
AttributeError: 'Windturbine' object has no attribute 'live_data'
jobvk commented 11 months ago

@WBoerhoop so your value stays 276 Watts?

The error AttributeError: 'Windturbine' object has no attribute 'live_data' is indeed a error when logging the error I have to fix this. But this should only show when there is no live data.

Do you get a timeout error? Do you mind sharing your diagnostics?

WBoerhoop commented 11 months ago

tadaaa the diagnostics. config_entry-windcentrale-0a57580aa0edaa809b6b9cb5dfc8f65e.json.txt

WBoerhoop commented 11 months ago

diagnostics in the first item is from today. this one is from 5/10/23 => config_entry-windcentrale-817f2e4c19f1754faeccecef42f60a36.json.txt

jobvk commented 11 months ago

@WBoerhoop your value for De Blauwe Reiger stays 276 watt? Does it show 276 watt in home assistant and on and for how long?

WBoerhoop commented 11 months ago

image IMG_0871

jobvk commented 11 months ago

The problem looks more like that the API is not updating for De Blauwe Reiger and the De Grote Geert.

Also the value of year_runtime from the De Blauwe Reiger is not correct -98264485.764444

Both should be fixed by the windcentrale company. But year_runtime will probalby not be fixed beceause it is not used in their dashboard on

WBoerhoop commented 11 months ago

And now ???

jobvk commented 11 months ago

The best you can do is to send an email, just like @vressel and @Xorfor did in #148.

The problem continues to persist and is increasingly irritating more people. I had hoped that the switch on 01-10-2023 would have resolved the issue, but it seems that it has not.

jobvk commented 11 months ago

@Simanias and @WBoerhoop maybe they are even stopping with the live data, see comment

Simanias commented 11 months ago

@jobvk what a bad news..... I'm thinking they decided in the 'ledenvergadering' to stop the live data, so maybe next year we should actually visit the 'ledenvergadering' and put live data on the agenda.

WBoerhoop commented 11 months ago

Whooaah, missed that, but your right, next meeting i be there

RonaldHass commented 11 months ago

Just received the following message from Windcentrale:

Nieuwe technisch beheerder Beste Winddeler, We gaan over naar de nieuwe technisch beheerder Outsmart voor alle windmolens in beheer van de Windcentrale. Zij zullen 24 uur per dag 7 dagen in de week de molens monitoren. Helaas zal als gevolg van de overgang de live productie niet meer beschikbaar zijn in de online omgeving. Uiteraard zal de opgewekte stroom van jouw Winddelen onder Productie Historie zichtbaar blijven. Deze data wordt dagelijks geüpdatet en blijft zichtbaar per jaar, maand, week, dag en per uur tot 48 uur geleden.

jobvk commented 11 months ago

@WBoerhoop and @RonaldHass maybe send a email like @Simanias did:

sebastianberm commented 11 months ago

Also did that. I hope it counts as I have 29 of these shares, and really need the stats. (And no, I did not attend the ledenvergadering for each and every one of them.)

Xorfor commented 11 months ago

Please look @

and send an e-mail like @Simanias did.

sebastianberm commented 11 months ago

Please look @ #148 (comment).

and send an e-mail like @Simanias did.

Already did that ;-)

RonaldHass commented 11 months ago

OK, I also wrote a tearjerking e-mail, arguing that they're ruining my grid balancing efforts (using electrical energy in sync with our wind shares' actual power). Which is true! But let's see.

The Windcentrale message I cited above promises history data down to the hourly level. AFAIK the addon gets weekly / monthly / yearly levels. @jobvk Would daily / hourly history be a possible extension? And although I'm not a coder, I am willing to help you!

WBoerhoop commented 11 months ago

laatste reacties van windcentrale :

Sanne (Windcentrale) 12 okt 2023 09:42 CEST Beste W.C.R. Boerhoop,

Op dit moment is het definitief dat de live data inactief staat, en kan niet handmatig door de leden worden geactiveerd.

Het is bij ons bekend dat veel leden negatieve feedback op deze keuze geven, dus we zullen dit meenemen voor de toekomst. Ik kan u alleen niet verzekeren dat dit ook definitief gaat terugkomen door alle negatieve feedback.

U kunt op dit moment via het historisch verbruik wel inzicht houden in wat de opbrengst is van de winddelen.

Nogmaals onze excuses voor het ongemak.

Ik wens u verder een prettige dag toe!

Met vriendelijke groeten/Kind regards, Sanne Klantenservice medewerker

WCR Boerhoop 11 okt 2023 11:13 CEST Hallo Sanne, Bedankt voor het antwoord, maar in de notulen stond alleen dat we overgingen naar een andere beheermaatschappij, als er bekend was gemaakt dat dit zou inhouden dat de live data zou stoppen, had je daar nooit toestemming vanuit de leden gekregen, daar het aantal gebruikers van live data erg hoog is. Je kan er vast rekening mee houden dat er voor de volgende vergadering een agenda punt moet worden opgevoerd voor het opnieuw instellen van live data of dat we anders naar een andere beheersmaatschappij moeten overstappen. Is de live data we a op e.o.a. manier weer in te stellen ?? Met vriendelijke groeten, Willem Boerhoop

Sanne (Windcentrale) 11 okt 2023 10:38 CEST Bestse W.C.R. Boerhoop,

Bedankt voor uw bericht.

Dat klopt inderdaad. Vanaf 4 oktober is de live data niet meer beschikbaar. N.a.v. de afgelopen algemene ledenvergadering is er overeengekomen dat de live productie niet meer doorgaat. We werken per heden met een nieuwe beheermaatschappij die dit niet meer zal verzorgen.

In de notulen van de vergadering zal dit ook terug te vinden zijn. Mijn collega is momenteel nog druk bezig met verschillende notules. Mocht u deze nog niet hebben ontvangen zal deze binnenkort komen.

Hopelijk geeft dit voldoende duidelijkheid.

Ik wens u verder een hele prettige dag toe!

Met vriendelijke groeten/Kind regards, Sanne Klantenservice medewerker

WCR Boerhoop 9 okt 2023 17:58 CEST LS, Bij deze heb ik al sinds 4 oktober geen live data meer via de api en mijn vraag is wanneer deze weer hersteld worden. Deze data gebruik ik voor info en verwerking binnen mijn domotica systeem om de overzichten zuiver te houden. Gaarne weer herstellen. Met vriendelijke groeten, Willem Boerhoop

jobvk commented 11 months ago

@RonaldHass and everyone else. I started a new discussion on how I want to find a solution for the energy dashboard #150

The Windcentrale message I cited above promises history data down to the hourly level. AFAIK the addon gets weekly / monthly / yearly levels. @jobvk Would daily / hourly history be a possible extension? And although I'm not a coder, I am willing to help you!

SevenW commented 11 months ago

@jobvk Would daily / hourly history be a possible extension?


I have been looking into this and it involves guessing "time frame offsets". At least for me I found DAY_HOURS and MONTH_DAYS to be valid. Is there API documentation available, or some reverse engineering strategy to find those?

jobvk commented 11 months ago

@SevenW I you really want to help please look into this discussion on how I want to find a solution for the energy dashboard

Problem of daily / hourly history

The problem is that sensors only update the day after around 14:00 UTC +2. So DAY_HOURS is always empty so you should always use timeframe_offset 1 or 2.

The same for MONTH_DAYS. Before 14:00 UTC +2 the current day and the day before will be empty.

This is why I didn't add them in the first place. Currently working on adding them. But i'm trying to find solution for them to be empty before 14:00 UTC +2,

API documentation

This is how the history url is build up:

https:// +

WND-WJ is the ID of a specific windturbine.

YEAR3_YEARS Last 3 years (included current year)
YEAR_MONTHS Current year divided in to months
WEEK4_WEEKS Last 4 weeks (included current week)
MONTH_DAYS Current month divided in to days
DAY_HOURS Day divided into hours
0 Current time frame
-1 Time frame before 0
-2 Time frame before -1
et cetera Time frame before -X
SHARES_IN_PROJECT Your shares history
TOTAL_PROJECT Total windturbine history