jocosocial / swiftarr

The V3 Twitarr server and templated web interface.
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Vapor Storage Threading #206

Closed cohoe closed 7 months ago

cohoe commented 1 year ago

We got burned by again. While we fixed the websocket storage in, we didn't consider that under the hood Vapor also uses this for Redis/Postgres connection storage (among other things). Chall was able to hack together a custom version of the Vapor framework to get around this problem on boat. There is an open PR on Vapor that would address this:

When we start getting closer to 2024 we should either:

hendricksond commented 1 year ago was closed in favor of Monitor the new PR.

cohoe commented 9 months ago was closed in favor of other PRs, such as and The latter of which indicates that the move to Sendable is complete. We'd need to update to Vapor >= 4.86.0.

cohoe commented 9 months ago

Package.resolved already has Vapor up to 4.89.0 from when Chall last did an update not that long ago. Based on we can add the following block to the Package.swift if we want to get compilation warnings about potential concurrency issues:

swiftSettings: [
    // This one is the most strict
    // .unsafeFlags(["-Xfrontend", "-strict-concurrency=complete"])
    .unsafeFlags(["-Xfrontend", "-warn-concurrency"])

Which indeed spits out a bunch but mostly seems to indicate that we're supposed to mark our API handler functions with @Sendable (for example: @Sendable func openHandler(_ req: Request) async throws -> FezListData {...}.

I don't know if marking all of those is necessary or if it just generates a warning until you do.

cohoe commented 7 months ago

We haven't seen this yet. Closing now, so that I can re-open with much sadness if it comes up day one again.