jodhman / react-eyedrop

Seamlessly integrate a static typed, fully-tested color-picking React component/hook!
24 stars 11 forks source link

numerous updates #57

Closed paulm17 closed 1 year ago

paulm17 commented 1 year ago
Changes to the following files:
    1:   example/package.json
    2:   src/eyeDropper.tsx
    3:   src/getColor/calcAverageColor.ts
    4:   src/getColor/getCanvasBlockColors.ts
    -:   src/types.ts
    5:   src/useEyeDrop.ts

1) So that Node16+ works.  
2) Fixes issue #52.
3-4) Fixes radius issue.
5) Adds onChange event.

I hope this is ok.  🙏